Showing posts with label #CandidBookReviews. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #CandidBookReviews. Show all posts

Jul 3, 2018

Review:Matter of Trust Ciana Stone

First, I would like to thank Ciana Stone for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

A Matter of Trust by Ciana Stone was unlike any of her other books I have read in the past. I am a huge fan of her mystery series as well as her HeartBreakers and Hero Series. However, not big into paranormal so much-but I thought I would give it a try since I love her other work. She actually surprised me with a unique paranormal twist that was not too far out there!

One of my favorite characters in the book had to be Maxwell. My heart went out to him on so many levels. For so much of the book he was such a mystery as to what was wrong with him.  His family treated him like he was a mentally disabled child but yet he was a full grown very handsome man. A man whom felt trapped and was not able to be the person he wanted to be. It wasn’t till he met Nikki that he might be able to be himself.

The unique paranormal spin that I liked was that Nikki had sexual dreams of this man she had never met before and didn’t know whom it was. It wasn’t until she met Maxwell that she knew he was the man in her dreams. Little did she know he was having the same dreams but about her. They had never met before but in their dreams. In a weird way they were meant to be together but put together in a unique way.

There is a lot of criminal stuff, murder, mystery as well that is in the book too. 

Jun 22, 2018

Review of Loyal as Hell Grey Areas Book 4 by Shelby Durgan

First, I want to thank Shelby Durgan for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

I was so happy when I found out Shelby Durgan was coming out with her long awaited squeal to her series featuring Amara and Grey that I have grown to love. This book is entitled Loyal as Hell Grey Areas. Her books must be read in sequence and not as standalones. It is very important to know the characters and the storylines or you will be lost!!

As with each of Shelby’s books Grey and Amara have some hot and steamy sex scenes in this book. She is well known for turning up the heat!!

In this book 6 months after the marriage of Grey and Amara we the readers and Amara get to meet his parents. It is an awkward situation how she meets them. In the long run Amara and I agree we don’t care for Grey’s Mother.

In this book we see the return of Amara’s sister with very happy news of her own to share.
There is a very scary scene at the school where Amara works at. One where it can be taken from the headlines in the news and intertwined in the book. I was very scared for Amara and Grey whom was also there. The language in this scene was a little rough. But it was necessary for the scene.

Jun 6, 2018

Prodigal Captive by Rachel Woods

First, I want to thank Rachel Woods for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Rachel Woods wrote the most unique and interesting mystery book with interesting topics in The Prodigal Captive that I have ever read before. There were times in the book where I was laughing and other times I was shaking my head thinking WOW she went there. I read a lot of mystery books but none of them deal with a severed penis from a dead body. Made me think of John Wayne Bobbitt. Whom ironically is from my neck of the woods. So, that is why I was laughing.

I totally commended Silas the character that came out to his father as thinking he was born the wrong gender! That must have been so hard to do coming out as being transgender. I am a very open-minded person and very pro LGBT. So, I was totally cool with this aspect of the story. What concerned me was he was one of the ones that went missing. You couldn’t help wonder if this was the reason behind it. However, he was not the only one that was missing.

This was a very fast paced moving mystery that kept you guessing. For me I kept wondering why they cut off his penis lmao!!

May 29, 2018

Leaving Kate by JD Corbett


First, I want to thank JD Corbett for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review.

Leaving Kate is the first book I have had the honor to read and review JD Corbett. This story was very powerful on many levels. This book touched on so many relevant topics today that need to be addressed. So many times I wanted to jump into the book and hug the characters.

I loved the fact that Kate and Ernest were both twins. I loved how their parents named them after Ernest Hemingway and his second wife Pauline. Their mom looked up to that couple.

My heart went out to Eric whose father was killed while in active duty in the Marines. He was only 9 years old when he opened the door to uniformed officers and found out the news. No child should have to find out that way. In a twist to the story I love how Eric wanted to enlist and make his Dad proud.

I was very interested to learn about the grief camp that Eric took Kate to. It is a camp that they bring children to whose parent were killed in line of duty. They work with councilors and play with the horses. Eric was very good with the kids and it melted my heart.

I despised Kate’s step father and how he treated her. No parent or any man should treat any woman the way he was treating her. Sober or drunk.

I loved the friendship and budding relationship that Eric and Kate were forming.

Perfect date night for Eric and Kate!! Watching The Notebook underneath the stars!

I enjoyed getting to know JD Corbett at the end of the book there is a write up about her. You can tell that she has a passion for writing and extremely talented at it too. I would be honored to read and review for her again.

May 23, 2018

Romancing JT Millionaire Romance by Anastasia Alexander

First, I want to thank Anastasia Alexander for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review.

If you are a fan of the Bachelorette or the Bachelor then Anastasia Alexander’s Romancing JT Millionaire Romance is just the book for you. Just an fyi JT is NOT Justin Timberlake as I found out while reading the book. Seriously though I literally felt like I was on the set of a reality show trying to figure out who was going to win his heart! To be a fly on the wall was pretty cool seeing I like those reality shows.  

My heart went out to JT whom was grieving the loss of his wife. Yet, his business partner made him go on the show even though his heart was not ready to move on.

It was  a very interesting book.


May 18, 2018

Only the Pretty Ones A Angry Girl Crime Stories by Karen M. Bryson

First, I have to thank Karen M. Bryson for providing me with this book so I may bring you this book.

Only the Pretty Ones an Angry Girl Crime Story by Karen M. Bryson is the BEST MYSTERY BOOK I have read in a long time!! I have not read from this author before but I will read anything she writes from now on hands down! Once I picked this book up I could not put it down until I knew the ending. WOW the ending was epic! I had an evil laugh at the end of it!! Flynn was my hero!!
This book has must be made into Lifetime TV Movie all over it! I would gladly be watching all the events and drama unfold! If you like books with a lot of twists and turns, abducting, blackmail, sisters who have eachothers backs, shocking moments, moments that will make you tear up, sick twisted senators and his messed up son, past family trauma, bad memories, love in unique places, and you actually wanting to jump in the book yourself and get revenge-then you must read this book!!

My heart went out to both of the sisters for what they both went through past, present! I just wanted to give them a big hug!! NO woman ever deserves what they went through!!!!

Life in a Box by L.S. Einat

First, I want to thank Einat Lifshitz Shem-Tov for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Life In A Box is the first book I read from Einat Lifshitz Shem-Tov. With reading a new author you are unfamiliar with their writing style you are never sure what you are going to think of the book. I can tell you that from the FIRST line of the book she had me hooked! Wow!! What an incredible tragedy to bring a reader into the book and immediately be in shock! Then to pull on the heart strings of the reader and be totally sad and want to hug Eva to comfort her. She thought she knew who her family was but she had no clue who they were.
If you love a good mystery with a lot of twists and turns in the story then you will totally love this book.

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