Author Michelle Bellon

Breathe In by Michelle Bellon
Review by HeidiLynn's BookReviews
First, I want to thank Michelle Bellon for providing me with
this book so I may bring you this review.
Michelle Bellon title Breathe In is the spot on representation
for this book. This title was represented many of times throughout the book in
many unique situations Tessa put herself into.
This book is dedicated to all the woman of the world whom
have survived abuse of any kind. You have faced a darkness and fear that most
have not. Your heart and soul have overcome doubt, insecurity, and
hopelessness. In the mist of it all, you dug deep and found your inner warrior.
You screamed at the top of your lungs to let loose of your rage. Then, when you
felt your power again, you fought and remained true to our will to survive.
This was an incredible story that captured my interest from
the start of the book. I hate to admit it but in the beginning, I saw a little
of me I Tessa. I could see myself in her relationship with Tom Hanging to the
hope of getting a text from. Sadly, not getting one and holding on the hope that
I meant something to him. Later did we find out he wanted to end things with
her. She was crushed. Needless to say her self esteem was crushed. She was kind
of obsessed with this guy. On the other hand you had Gerald who she was also
seeing but she didn’t like him the same way as she liked Tom. That too was a
confusing mess.
If that whole scenario was confusing enough Michelle puts in
another huge twist that will test how strong of a person Tessa really is. The
twist is something you would never see coming.