My rating: 4 of 5 stars
I was pleasantly surprised to see Kelly Elliott’s book Wanted in my local library. I am a follower of hers and many authors on Facebook. I was surprised because most Indie authors are not carried by public libraries.
Kelly Elliott’s book Wanted is the first book in the Wanted series. Saved, Faithful, Believe, and Cherished finish out the series. I was lucky to find Wanted, Saved, and Faithful in my library. They should be read in order and not as standalones.
How dare Ellie’s Mom tell her daughter she won’t be wanted by anyone!! No Mother should EVER call her daughter a whore!! What kind of mother puts those words into a child’s head?! Being a drunken mother is no excuse. Those words echoed throughout her head throughout her life. Everytime something went wrong with a guy she remembered what her Mom said. Ellie’s Mom totally pissed me off so much so that I wanted to smack her upside the head. No child should ever be verbally abusive to their child!!
Kelly Elliott wrote a love story unlike I have every read before. This was Ellie’s and Gunner’s love story and how they became to be. Jefferson (Ellie’s over protective brother) introduced Gunner (Jefferson’s best friend) to Ellie. They both felt an instant connection. However, Ellie still had that wall built up from the verbal abusiveness of her mother and how her ex boyfriends betrayed her.
I loved the bond that Ellie and her brother Jefferson had. Jefferson knew about her horrid childhood growing up with their alcoholic mother. He hated what she did to Ellie with a passion. He never wanted to see Ellie hurt again by anyone. He would do anything he could for his sister. Jefferson never introduced his friends to her because he didn’t want anyone to hurt her. However, Gunner was different. He trusted his best friend around his sister. Gunner was a good match for Ellie too. Makes me wish I had an older brother looking out for me like that.
Ellie’s BFF Ari was a trip. She was always there for Ari too no matter what. She predicted that Gunner was into Ellie as she was into him. Gunner was the only man to make Ellie go week in the knees. Ari was always fighting with Jefferson about everything. The more they fought the more that Gunner and Ellie thought Jefferson may like Ari. Ari was like the forbidden fruit that Jefferson could not eat because she was his sisters BFF.
I really enjoyed reading this book and cant wait to read Saved next in the series.
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