My rating: 5 of 5 stars
First, I want to thank Tawdra Kandle for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.
Anyone who knows me knows I am a HUGE fan of the Royals and anything to do with Pop Culture. So, when I saw the cover of Twadra’s The Anti Cinderella book and read the synopsis oh I had to read it. Not to mention she had to release the book right before the big royal wedding!!! Pure genius on her part!!
I love how in the Dedication she talks about her grandmother telling her stories about two princesses Elizabeth and Margaret. That’s where her love of all things royal came to be. I grew up watching Princess Diana and had a love for her family. To this day I love all things to do with the royal family.
I have been a fan of Tawdra’s writing for a while now and have enjoyed many of her past books. However, this book to me this book blew all of them out of the water. This one grabbed my attention, I loved the characters, the names of the grandparents cracked me up the book made me smile, laugh, at points made me cry, made me wish I could have a love story like this one, and excited to find out that this was going to be a series-that I must continue reading.
This is my 100th book I have read this year. Out of all the romances that I have read. I don’t think there Is another love story that has touched me more than this one. I am saying that cus they met when they were young. Their families knew eachother. Well…I cant tell you the rest. You need to read it for yourself. But it is a beautiful story.
If you ever wanted to know what it was like dating a celebrity or Royal then you must read this book!! Not that I have had the honor of dating one (only in my dreams have I dated Prince Harry) but man she does a great job at making you feel like you are right there in the mix of the media.
I am so glad that this book is part of a series! I didn’t want this book to end. I also think that Tawdra needs to keep this writing style in her upcoming books.
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