First, I want to thank Ciana Stone for providing with this book so I may bring you this review.
Deacon Johns Heartbreak & Heroes Book Tour by Ciana Stone not going to lie but piqued my interest by the cover alone this time around. I knew like the rest of the books in the series that this was going to be a good book. She didn’t disappoint. If you have not read her past books I suggest you do. Past characters like Etta and Jasper Jacks make an appearance in this book. I am so happy to hear they are still getting married.
In this book my favorite character without a doubt was Mica. I loved her storyline with Deacon how he thought he was too old for her but she felt differently. However, they had undeniable attraction for eachother. Her story ran deeper than that and that was the part of the story that I liked the most. Who she was forced to be to whom she really wanted to be. I found her character very indepth.
I loved her hobby for different kind of knives which is really unique.
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