May 23, 2024

#BlogTour #BookReview #FlyAwaySummer #LindsayGibson #HarpethRoadPress

From the newest sensation in contemporary romance comes a delightfully heartwarming beach read that’s perfect for fans of RaeAnne Thayne, Denise Hunter, and Debbie Macomber. 

After losing her beloved family’s Cape Cod inn right after culinary school, chef Lana Kelly converts her late father’s old fish market next door into a successful restaurant. However, over the years, she’s kept her eye on the inn with dreams to expand. She also hopes she can acquire the property for her grandad so he’ll know it’s back in the family before his dementia causes the memory to vanish for good. 

When the inn goes up for sale, she rushes to put in an offer. But Hunter Graham of Graham Property Development in New York City snapped it up and plans to transform it into an event venue. With competition on the Cape continuing to rise, Lana worries about how to keep her little restaurant growing. And she isn’t so thrilled about her new neighbor.

Next to the lapping waters of the bay and the summer breezes, Lana is forced to face the truth. But will that truth be losing the inn forever or finding something more?

A heartwarming summer romance that will sweep you away to the sparkling New England coast. An incredible story that you will not be able to put down, full of healing, family ties, and best of all, love.

Writing stories as a little girl was the way I coped with the world around me. At 16, I faced a traumatic event that forever changed who I am and made me into the person I am today, but despite how hard it has been to heal - it didn't take away the storyteller in me. I continued to write throughout all those years I felt lost, bringing my characters to life and using it as my escape. I always knew I would be an author one day, but it wasn't until another tragedy- losing my son, Joseph, in 2013, who was born still - finally ignited my writing career. I began to write my story and didn't stop.


My memoir, Just Be, was published in 2018 and while I always knew I would venture into sweet romantic fiction, writing my story was important because for me - it is my ultimate love story.

Why sweet romance? Because stories with happy endings can help us grow as people and help us to be brave in a world that has many distractions, stresses, and where love is often challenged. My passion is to write and share romance that connects my readers with my characters whom they can relate to, smile within my stories and feel encouraged by the love that changes their lives, their relationships and their faith. Just as I wrap love around me every single day since overcoming trauma and grief.

You can connect with me in many ways -Sign up for my  newsletter, read my latest blog or check out the latest on my social media channels.

Fly Away Summer

Written By Lindsay Gibson

Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

RFirst, I want to thank Lindsay Gibson and Harpeth Road Press for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. 

Lindsay Gibson’s Fly Away Summer is a beautifully written and heartfelt story that will make you want to hug your loved ones a little tighter. For me it was an emotional read and needed a few tissues. 

I have to commend Kristen Ingebretson for her cover design and Shutterstock as well for the cover images. Out of all the covers that Harpeth Road Press has created over the years this is my favorite one to date. It is such a breathtaking cover and represents the book so well. 

Lindsay does an amazing job jumping right into the storyline! What is even better is she is incredible with expressing all of Lana’s emotions and there were a lot of them to express! My heart went out to her for all that she was going through! 

I absolutely loved the picturesque setting of Boston and Cape Cod, the clambakes, seafood, and the bakery goodies in Fly Away Summer! Having been there now I am craving some Clam Chowder! 

Lindsay addresses Dementia and the effects of mental decline and how it affects the person and family. That being said I loved hearing the stories he did share with Lana. They brought a smile to my face. 

I was extremely surprised and had a big grin on my face to see who Lana’s Sues Chef was. Her name was Heidi. Ironically there was another character in the book with my last name (but a very few know my real last name). 

Heidi is persistent even with everything going on in Lana’s life she is still insistent she fixes her up with this one guy! 

This book is about family past and present and grieving how the relationships have changed.



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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews ( Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews