Apr 4, 2024

#BookReview #EvenWhenItWasntYou #KaylaTirrell


Macy never expected to find the love of her life in high school—at an 1800s pioneer reenactment camp, no less—but that's precisely where she met Nate. She was private school kid reluctantly attending camp for the first time with her single dad. Nate was from a large, homeschooling family that enjoyed going every year. Their unlikely friendship soon developed into a romantic relationship that had them dreaming of a future together—until Macy unexpectedly called things off in college.

Now twenty-three, Macy is a successful florist with no plans of settling down. When her best friend's wedding festivities mean Nate's return, she's forced to face her past and the feelings she may still have for him. Macy will have to decide if she's willing to risk opening her heart again, or if she will stay on the path she's already chosen where things feel safer.

If you enjoy the wedding backdrop of 
Forget Me Not by Julie Soto but prefer the funny and wholesome writing style of Sarah Adams, you’ll love Even When It Wasn’t You. It’s humor, raw emotion, and swoon-worthy moments will keep you reading long into the night!

Kindle: Even When It Wasn’t You https://a.co/d/3efkzzi

Paperback: Even When It Wasn't You https://a.co/d/5a9n0rN

Kayla has loved to read as long as she can remember. While she started out reading spooky stories that had her hiding under her covers, she now prefers stories with a bit more kissing.

When she gets a chance to watch TV, she enjoys cheesy sci-fi and superhero shows.

Most days, you’ll catch her burning dinner in an attempt to cook while reading just one more chapter.

Kayla lives in the sunshine state with her husband and three boys.

Connect with Kayla online:

Website: tirrellblewrites.com

Facebook: Facebook.com/KaylaTirrellWrites

Instagram: instagram.com/thats_tirrellble

Even When It Wasn’t You 
Written By Kayla Tirrell
Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Kayla Tirrell for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. 

Kayla Tirrell has written a very unique creative storyline in Even When It Wasn’t You that is written totally outside of the box! It is fast paced that you can devour into one sitting (as I did). Definitely one to put on your tbr list. 

Larissa Padilla Designs created a very pretty cover design for Kayla’s book. 

Kayla would like to dedicate this book to her husband who is her forever happily ever after. 

One thing I am noticing more and more books I read is that authors are including playlists to their books. Kayla includes her list that goes perfectly with the storyline. My favorite is A Thousand Years By Christina Peri. Now I will have that song in my head the rest of the day!

I totally appreciated Kayla being upfront and center about her trigger warnings in the book. The triggers in this book are heavy topics but important ones and she brings awareness to them in the process. I wish more authors were that upfront with their triggers. 

Even When It Wasn’t You is Macy and Nate’s story and journey. How and where they met was unlike any situation I had read about prior. Like Macy I am not a fan of historical events or settings. So I was cracking up right along with her at many of the aspects of this one particular event. Who would have thought she would meet a great guy there. 

One of the many aspects I loved about this book was Macy’s close knit bond she had with her father. I loved how she felt so open and free to discuss her love life with him. 

Kayla takes us back in time to when we first meet Macy and Nate and get to know more about their backstory. Then she fast forwards the storyline to present day. 

I loved the serious, real and raw conversations Macy and Nate had with each other about their possible future they had with each other. 

Even When It Wasn’t You put a smile on your face and love back into my heart. 


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Heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews