Jan 7, 2021

#BookReview #SmileGodLovesYou #MarkRestaino #SandrasBookClub


How does God heal our emotional hurts?

Every child experiences feelings of sadness, anger, anxiety, and fear.

This beautifully illustrated and rhyming children’s book, by youth minister, Mark Restaino, follows a young photographer and her friends as she witnesses their struggles in one moment and captures their redeeming reactions in the next.

Show your child how God fulfills all of our emotional needs by investing in a copy today!

Smile, God Loves You
Mark Restaino
Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Mark Restaino and Sandra’s Book Club for providing me with this book so I bring you this review.

Smile, God Loves You by Mark Restaino is a book that everyone young and old can benefit from with what is going on in the world today. He reminds us through various situations beautifully illustrated by Igncaio Loza Coll that no matter what God loves us. 

I absolutely loved the cute cover design by Ignciao Loza Coll and the selfie of all the kids at the end. These pictures and many others made Mark’s story pop and come to life. 


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Heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews