Jan 15, 2020

Review: The Man She Married By Alison James #BookonTour #Bookouture #NetGalley

How well do you know your husband?

When Alice Gill sees the little blue line, it’s the happiest moment of her life. But her whole world is turned upside down when the police knock at her door minutes later…

Her husband, Dominic, is dead.

Distraught, Alice goes to identify the body. It’s him. Yet when Dominic’s estranged brother comes to view the coffin, he insists the man lying there is not Dominic Gill.

So who is the man Alison married?
And will his secrets put her life in danger too?

An absolutely gripping psychological thriller that will keep you guessing until the last page. If you love Behind Closed Doors, My Lovely Wife and Friend Request, you’ll be hooked on The Man She Married.

Born in the Cotswolds, Alison spent most of her formative years abroad. She studied languages at Oxford, then became a journalist and author, returning to university after her two children to take a law degree. After a three-year stint as a criminal paralegal, Alison worked as a commercial copywriter and then a TV storyliner, before coming full circle to write fiction again.

The Man She Married 
By Alison James
Review by Heidi Lynn's Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Alison James, Bookouture, and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

The Man She Married by Alison James is a book that will question how well you know your spouse or partner. This book makes me proud to say I am single as I would have a hard time trusting man after this book! Saying this I can tell you this book is written unlike any other book I have read from Bookouture!

Right away I fell in love with the book cover it was simple and sweet with two overlapping wedding rings! It was set in a blue background with the lettering of the title above it. It represented the book very well. Kudos to the graphic artist.

Every book has a character you love and a character you hate. In this book I had one of each. I adored Alison but my heart broke for her so many times!! I wanted to give her a hug. On the same time I wanted to know why the heck she put up with Dominic like she did.

Yes, Dominic was not my fave person in this story. He had a very secretive personality like he was hiding something. He didn’t treat Alison like he should have especially in the bedroom. So many times I found myself screaming in my head what are you doing with him.

Alison hooked me right from the begging with the subject matter and with the amazing descriptions! I was just blown away by the last line of the of the prologue. I knew I needed to read more.

This book was broken down into parts. It was also broken down into Alice then and now. Then you are totally flipped the switch and introduced to Ben. He is a big part of the story that totally shocked me and threw me for the biggest loop. Oh, he has a back story to tell. I will be blunt I didn’t care for him or his storyline at all.

This book was filled with multiple lies, deceit, murder, stolen identities, rough sex, and broken hearts. 


Book Club Reviewer said...

This looks good! You sold me! Got my Kindle copy.

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews