Jan 27, 2019

Review: Schoolgirl Missing by Sue Fortin

Author Sue Fortin

Schoolgirl Missing
By Sue Fortin
Review by HeidiLynn’s BookReviews

First, I want to thank Sue Fortin, Harper Collins Publishers and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Schoolgirl Missing is a must-read book by Sue Fortin. She demonstrates to her readers that she is the queen of psychological thrillers.  She does this by building up the suspense and hits you middle to the end of the book with the punch.  All the twists and turns to get to the big punches were shocking and mind blowing. I never saw them coming.  I was intently glued to my kindle needing to know how this book ended. For everything I have mentioned she has become one of my favorite authors in this genre. I would gladly read and review for her again.

This book is dedicated to Sue’s Mom with love.

Kudos has to go to the graphic designer on this cover! It was perfect and spot on for this book. It was actually what drew me to want to know more about the book. That and the title Schoolgirl Missing.

I can’t say enough good things about this book.  Each character was written incredibly well. They all had their own personality and had their own secrets of their own. Some characters in their situations really pulled on my heart strings.

I loved how Sue dragged out the story so that we didn’t know all the facts of some of the story line til the end. That made me want to keep reading and not stop the book. That aspect to me in my eyes makes her a genius in this genre.

This was one book I didn’t want to end it was so good. That being said I can totally see this being a Netflix original!! I think it would be a total hit.


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Heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews