Sep 18, 2018

Review: Just Shut Up and Drive by Chynna Laird

Author Chynna Laird
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About the Author Chynna Laird
Chynna Laird is mother of four, a freelance writer, blogger, editor and award-winning author. Her passion is helping children and families living with Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), mental and/or emotional struggles and other special needs. She’s authored two children’s books, two memoirs, a Young Adult novella, a Young Adult paranormal/suspense novel series, a New Adult contemporary novel and an adult suspense/thriller.

Just Shut Up ad Drive 
by Chynna Laird 
Review by HeidiLynn's BookReviews

First, I want to thank Chynna Laird for providing me with this signed copy of this book so I may bring you this review.

Just Shut Up and Drive was the perfect title for this book by Chynna Laird. I can just hear Gramps saying this to Wil as they embarked on an amazing journey into Gramps past.  This is one book that will make you want to call up your Grampa and chat or get together with him. It is one of the sweetest, touching, emotional, heart wrenching at times books with a bit of faith and lots of life lessons thrown in.

Gramps was taking his Grandson Wil on a road trip however what it really was a journey into his Gramps past. Oh, what a journey he took him on! The unique people he met that were tied to his late parents and his Gram. Each one touched his heart, remembered his Gramps from back in the day, and even remembered Wil’s late father.

My heart broke for Wil as he lost both of his parents to a drunk driver at a very early age. I too can relate as I lost my Uncle to a drunk driver. You never get over that pain-and neither did Wil. However, he never was able to let his parents go. It was this trip that he found out the truth and was able to finally put closure on it.

I absolutely loved the dynamic between Gramps and Wil! Their witty humor back and forth cracked me up big time!! I never got to know my Grandfathers as they passed before I was born. So, I envied their relationship in the book. Those two made a great team.

Chynna is an incredible story teller! Within this book are so many stories within the story. So many that any of them could be turned into a spin off book. For example me personally would love a spin off book of one of my favorite characters Dakota and her Mom whom is suffering from cancer. That is one very special and unique story in the book. One of my favorite stories actually. Quite funny at times. She was a little sweetheart too.

I loved how the setting was in Canada as I have a soft spot for the area being from the states.
This is one road trip Wil left a boy and came back a man.


Chynna said...

Heidi, thank you so much for all of your wonderful words. It truly does warm my heart not only that you chose to read the book, but also for your beautiful words describing your personal journey with it. Keep doing what you are doing because it makes a big difference for us, as authors, to know that there are still people reading, and enjoying what they read.


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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews ( Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews