Aug 20, 2022

#BookReview #TheBookSwap #JERowney #LittleFoxPublishing #NetGalley


Newly-separated Laura is back home living with her mum. She spends her days reading and escaping from the realities of her new life alone - until that life suddenly becomes more complicated than she could ever have imagined.

When a novel received from an online book swap contains a chilling note, Laura has to overcome her own fears to help a stranger.

First, she must uncover just exactly who is it that needs to be saved, and from what.


Aug 19, 2022

#KindlePreneur Article: The Ultimate List of Best Book Review Blogs


Can’t find a blog to review your book?! You have not seen this list…

The Ultimate List of the Best Book Review Blogs

Hi, everyone! I’m Dave Chesson.

I’m a military veteran, husband, and father of three crazy monkeys…I mean kids. But, when I’m not doing dad things, I’m an avid book marketer.

My work in both publishing and book marketing has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, ALLi, Huffington Post, and even Market Watch.

I’ve been blessed to have worked with many New York Times bestselling authors in multiple genres and topics like Ted Dekker, Orson Scott Card, Kevin J. Anderson and more. I’ve also been a paid consultant to major publishing companies helping with digital sales, advertisement methods and sales page optimizations.

Even Amazon has recognized my book marketing strategies by officially saying that authors “…should gain insight from Kindlepreneur on how you can optimize marketing your books…”

So, what is Kindlepreneur?

Basically, I have taken everything I’ve learned over the years working with publishing companies, NYT bestsellers, and more, and packaged it all right here on Kindlepreneur.

I don’t hold back at all. My goal with every article or video is to give you everything you need to know, so that you can turn around and take action, and see results. I hope for this to be a compendium of self publishing and book marketing knowledge so that real authors can get their books seen.

My motto: Real Authors Deserve to be Read!

That’s why I’ve built free courses, tools, articles, videos, full guides, and more. Through Kindlepreneur you’ll learn everything you need to get your book in front of more readers, make more sales, and build your author career.

Ultimate List of the Best Book Review Blogs

#ReleaseTour #Expert #TheHiddenLove #RJGray #TheIndiePen


In the HIDDEN LOVE by RJ Gray, Shannon Callaway’s life became the ultimate challenge the instant her best friend passed away, leaving her to raise a child that wasn’t hers. For Kade Harding it all boils down to deciding if his future is a civilian life he wasn’t expecting, or returning to his unit and leaving his new family behind. Fans of military romances will enjoy this sexy, must-read second chance romance from the Meet Cute Book Club Series.

Read Now!

"Oh, God! Did I just fall right into my dead best friend’s ex-boyfriend, secret baby daddy, incredibly sexy, Navy SEAL’s arms?” - Sounds like a line right out of one of my book club's romance novels. Except it's not. It's real life. My real life. Grieving the loss of my best friend, and suddenly taking on raising her son, I'm faced with a whole new set of challenges. That includes breaking the news to my brother's best friend, Kade, that Danny is his son. As if that's not enough for one woman to handle. Kade is even hotter than I remember, and navigating all the details of Annabelle's death and Danny's future brings us closer than ever, in more ways than one. And my girls in from book club? They're all for me finding my happily ever after with the sexy as sin man in uniform. But Kade has even more on the line without worrying about a relationship. Will he choose a family and life outside of the military, or will he return to his unit and leave it all behind?

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Copyright 2022 @ RJ Gray

“Turns out, I wasn’t ready for the meeting after all,” she said in a whisper. “With the lawyer? Wasn’t it supposed to be a pretty routine meeting?” Mila asked. “If only. I don’t even know how to process everything…” “Why don’t you start at the beginning and I’ll try to help?” Mila suggested. “Well, you know I’m Danny’s godmother. When Annabelle and Doug asked me to be his godmother, they also asked if I would take custody of Danny if anything happened to them, and I readily agreed. Annabelle, as you know, has no blood family to speak of. My family was the closest thing she had to kin. Doug…” Shannon paused, it wasn’t nice to speak ill of the dead, but did that carry over to his family? She’d tread lightly. “He shrouded his family in a veil of mystery from day one. Even after a decade, I didn’t know them very well. His parents live out of state and they don’t visit too often.” “He definitely kept to himself,” Mila agreed. “Taking all the necessary legal precautions, they decided I would be Danny’s guardian if anything happened to them. Of course, the possibility of something happening to both of them at the same time was slim and none of us thought it would ever come down to that… Yet, here we are.” “Yes, here we are. They couldn’t have chosen a better guardian. You’ve been like a second mom to Danny since the day he was born,” Mila said gently. “More like the cool aunt,” Shannon countered with a laugh. “I guess I don’t understand the confusion here? Isn’t this what the lawyer confirmed?” Mila asked. “Not exactly. Besides the exorbitant amount of money left behind for Danny’s care, which my mind is having a hard time wrapping around... Where did this money come from?” Shannon asked. “Life insurance?” Mila suggested. “No. I mean, they both had life insurance policies, but we haven’t even applied for those yet. This is a fund they’d set up for Danny in case something happened. It’s… bizarre. It’s almost like they knew they were going to die.” Shannon’s skin pricked. “You can’t predict being hit by a drunk driver, though,” Mila said. “I know. There’s little about their deaths that makes sense. I’m sure my lack of sleep isn’t helping. Anyway, believe it or not, there’s more. So much more. What I am about to tell you is an absolute secret and you can’t tell anyone. Promise?” “Not even the girls in our book club?” Mila asked. “Not even them, not yet. I’ll tell them at the next meeting. Hopefully, by then, I’ll have had time to process all of this.” “Whatever it is you’re about to tell me must be important. I promise,” Mila said. “Do you remember Kade Harding from high school?” “Of course. He’s like some super high-speed Army Ranger or something now, right?” “Navy SEAL.” “Wow. Impressive. I remember him being an immature little brat in middle school. Snapping the girls’ bras and pushing his weight around,” Mila said. Back then, Mila ran with a different crowd than Shannon and Annabelle. “Yeah, he definitely grew up. He’s no longer twelve.” She chuckled, remembering him as a child. He pulled her pigtails a time or two. “Anyway, do you remember how he and Annabelle were high school sweethearts?” Shannon asked. “Yeah. We all thought they’d get married and have a couple of kids running around and show up at our twentieth reunion looking exactly as they did in high school with their perfect genes. But they broke up right after he left town for the military, right?” Mila answered. “Something like that.” After Kade finished the grueling process of becoming a Navy SEAL, he deployed for the first time. He lost one of his close friends during that deployment. Kade came back a different person. In one year’s time, he matured more than most of the men she knew did in ten years. Deciding he couldn’t put Annabelle through the heartbreak of losing him to death, Kade broke up with her. Shannon held Annabelle as she cried, reading the letter he’d sent her. She’d thought he’d been a coward, ending things with her best friend via a letter. It wasn’t until he called to talk with Blaze and unloaded the details on her that she understood his reasoning, even if she didn’t agree with it. She still told him it was a punk thing to do, sending a letter instead of delivering the news in person, or at the very least, over the phone. The irony. Shannon acted just as cowardly, sending him an email requesting he return home instead of calling him. “What’s Kade have to do with your meeting with the lawyer?” “Ten years ago, he came home on leave to bury his grandfather. Doug and Annabelle got into a huge fight. They weren’t married yet. In fact, they were on a short relationship break. It’s not like she cheated on him or anything when she and Kade had sex–” “Wait. What?” Mila asked, shocked. “Ten years ago?” “Yeah, ten years ago. Kade is Danny’s biological father.”

About RJ Gray

RJ Gray is a USA TODAY, Amazon & International Bestselling author of Explosively Hot Romance. Writing military romance comes second nature to RJ. After serving in the military herself, she married her very own hero, an active duty Army EOD technician. In the last seventeen years, they’ve lived in Illinois, DC, Missouri, Alabama, Florida, Washington State, Colorado, Virginia and Hawaii. Recently, RJ moved to the great state of South Carolina with her husband, two young sons, their rescue pup, and two adopted kittens. RJ lives an active life. When not writing, her hobbies include whipping up delicious meals, capturing life's beauty with her camera and attending her children's multiple sporting events. Find out more about RJ by following her on social media or dropping her an email.

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About The Meet Cute Book Club Series

Escape with the Meet Cute Book Club where meet-cutes don't only happen between the pages of romance novels and members find their own happily ever afters. Eight single women bound by their love of books take a monthly break from real life to lose themselves in the chapters of romantic fiction. From friends to lovers to fake relationships and more, each story features a brand new couple and their journey to find love from an amazing lineup of authors including Louise Lennox, Tracy Broemmer, A.M. Williams, Mel Walker, RJ Gray, Rebecca Wilder, Julie Archer, and Kate Stacy. These eight standalone romances are packed with meet-cutes, heat, and of course a happily ever after!

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The Hidden Love

Written By

RJ Gray

Review By

Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews 

First, I want to thank RJ Grey and The Indie Pen for providing me with this book so I could bring you this review. 

OH WOW!!! RJ Grey pulled hard on my heart strings with her latest book The Hidden Love! I totally fell in love with this book from the very first page and it captivated my attention to the very last page! It was one of those stories that just touches you so deeply, makes you smile ear to ear, and makes you cherish the ones you have around you a little bit more. 

RJ wants to dedicate her book to The Writers on the Storm. Your support has been so valuable over the past few months and she is so grateful to have you in her life. 

From the first page I was hooked line and sinker into this fast paced emotional read!! My heart just broke in two for all the pain not only Shannon was going through with the loss of her best friend but the son she left behind. Oh Danny captured my heart and thensome! He was the sweetest little boy with the heart of gold! 

RJ addressed some very important issues such as drunk driving and the consequences that are faced when that happens. I know all too well of that pain as my uncle was killed by a drunk driver walking home from the store when I was a teenager. Like Danny I had similar questions and fears. 

There were two parts of the book that I was dying of laughter! The first was when RJ was plugging her own book in the book club group! The other one when the bird took a number 2 on Danny’s head! OMG!! I could not stop laughing!! YES!! It was disgusting but at the same time what are the odds that that would ever happen to someone?! This is an image I can not get out of my head!

RJ intertwined some very important life lessons into her storyline that many can appreciate. 

There are some very sexy and steamy intimate scenes that RJ does an incredible job writing! 

The Hidden Love is a book that must be added to your TBR list! 

Aug 18, 2022

#PromoBlitz #PleaseRememberMe #FlorenceKeeling #RachelsRandomResources


 Please Remember Me

Inheriting a run down house from a stranger isn’t exactly the present Laura had expected for her 30th birthday. Especially when the house in question holds memories of a frightening encounter from her prom night fourteen years ago…


So when a man starts appearing in the house her first thought is that she must be dreaming. But Ben is very real indeed and somehow linked to an antique mirror and another life in 1942.


As their friendship blossoms, Laura learns more about the house and its history…and even discovers some surprises about her own destiny.


With her future foretold, Laura must find a way to alter destiny. But how can you change the future if it’s already written in the past?


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I was born in Coventry but now live in Nuneaton. I married the love of my life over 20 years ago and we have two almost grown up children. We share our lives with two mad dogs as well.

Writing is a great passion of mine, that one day I hope to be able to turn into a career but until that day comes, I will continue working in accounts and payroll.

I also write for children as Lily Mae Walters.

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Franklin U Series
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Coming August 25th

Franklin University Series, Book 1


Tyson Langley thinks the king in Franklin University Kings is in reference to him. Star lacrosse player and God’s gift to the female and male population, there’s nothing the spoiled jock can’t have.

It’s impossible for us to be in the same room without talking crap to each other. But I also have a secret… As much as I despise Ty, I want him too. I revel in our banter and in never knowing what he’ll say next.

I’ve spent too much time on the wrong side of the law for someone like Ty, though, and if I want to make it through college and escape my past, he’s a distraction I don’t need.

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews ( Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews