Apr 9, 2021

#BooksonTour #TheSilentGirl #KellyHeard #Bookouture #NetGalley



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Sophie wakes in a cold hospital bed with no memory of her life before. She isn’t even sure if Sophie is her real name…


The police tell Sophie she was found alone, unconscious and surrounded by blood-red flower petals, on a remote stretch of highway. She had no I.D., no phone, and no one had reported her missing. But while Sophie’s identity is a mystery, one thing is clear: someone tried to kill her and they almost succeeded.

Apr 7, 2021

#BookReview #NicksNewHeart #SusanMay #NonFiction




Most people associate heart problems with old age. However, many American children suffer serious heart issues that once were insurmountable. In the past, infants with heart defects likeNick’s invariably died at a very young age but with surgical and medical advances, this gloomysituation has changed, providing not only a positive quality of life but a substantial life span.


Nick’s life has been similar to taking a roller coaster ride without a seat belt or a safety bar. No one, not even Nick’s doctors or his family, knew what was around the next turn. His story’s often more dramatic than fiction, as devoted doctors and nurses worked together with his family not just to save Nick’s life, but to provide him with happy life.


He grew up alongside his peers, graduated from college, married and became a father. Through each of those milestones has come great experiences, a deeper understanding of the human spirt and God’s love, the value of hope, love, and steadfast support from friends, relatives, nurses, staff, and doctors – and his home town.


Through it all, Nick has lived and loved. Not just survived, but thrived and beaten the odds. Thirty years and counting…

#BlogTour #Experpt #TheDistantDead #HeatherYoung #VerveBooks #RandomThingsTours



Long Ago


The boy shouldn’t have been in the cave. He knew this. He was a good boy, the sort of boy who cared about shoulds and shouldn’ts, but the thrill of this particular shouldn’t made him feel like a different sort of boy, the sort of boy he wished he were. It was why he was there. The air outside the cave was wavy with late-summer heat, but the air inside was cool, and on his tongue it tasted of dust and daring. He was twelve years old, and he was alone for the first time in his life. 

The cave was some distance from where his people made their camp by the great lake, but they could see it, a black eye in a cliff that surveyed the wide, flat basin. They came to this shore every few seasons, following rabbits and other small game through the wetlands. In their stories the cave was a place that drove men so mad that they returned from it unable to speak, even the seers, who lived mostly in dreams. There was a seer among them now, a bent old man who had visited the cave the summer the boy was born. The boy kept his distance from him, as all the boys did, but he watched as the old man spent long, wordless hours drawing circles in the dirt. Sometimes the seer looked up from his tracings, and in his bottomless black eyes the boy thought he saw not madness or terror but something like awe. 

As he stood at the mouth of the cave, the boy marveled at the earth stretched wide below him. The grasses close to the lake gave way to low brush at the feet of the rocky bluffs that rose above the basin floor like blisters. The lake itself was vast, a blue sheet vanishing into the shimmering sky to the north and east. His people called it Allelu, which in their language meant ‘water of life.’ Ten thousand years later a different people, half the world away, would make allelu a song of praise. By then the great lake would be gone, leaving a flattened desert in its wake. Above the boy’s head an eagle soared, black against the sky, a beautiful, wild thing that would be dead before the season was done.

Apr 6, 2021

#BookBlitz #TheMixup #MelanieMunton #XpressoTours


The Mix-Up
Melanie Munton
(Southern Hearts Club, #3)
Publication date: April 6th 2021
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

She thought she accidentally slept with her boss…
Then she met his twin brother.

Real talk: I slept with my boss. Back before he even was my boss. Back when I had no clue who he was.

Real talk: My boss is an arrogant jerk. I hate him. If we didn’t work so well together, I would have told him exactly where he could shove his pompous attitude a long time ago.

Turns out…my boss has a twin. Identical twin.

Now I know why he’s always acted like our one night together never happened. Why he acted like he’d never met me before when I started working for him.

It wasn’t him that night. It was his brother.

A brother who’s just as gorgeous as my boss and a hell of a lot nicer.

Real talk: I’m kind of…bothered that it wasn’t my boss that night.

But that’s before certain revelations about that night come to light.

Goodreads / Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iBooks / Kobo

#NowAvailable #TheDatingSeries #LPDoverBoxSet #HeidiMcLaughlin #BuoniAmiciPress



The Dating Series by Heidi McLaughlin & LP Dover Box Set

Go to @heidimclaughlinauthor or @lpdover to grab your copy with the #linkinbio

New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors Heidi McLaughlin and L.P. Dover come together for a sexy new series that delivers romance for every season!

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews