Nov 30, 2021

#BookReview #ChildrensBook #PottyTrainingDay #AkilahTrinay #ZianaTWashington #BradMyers #RevisionPublishing


For ZiZi and Mommy it is all about the journey. Every parent wants the process to be quick, but what happens if it takes a little longer?

Together ZiZi and Mommy explore the joys, challenges and frustrations when transitioning from being a baby into becoming a Big Girl. Potty Training is not a one-size-fits-all process, and everyone experiences it differently. Potty-Training Day celebrates that space in between where your little one is curious and ready and as a parent you are eager and scared for what a potty-trained baby really means.

Nov 29, 2021

#BookReview #WalkingMiracle #RyanShazier #LarryPlatt #GrandCentralPublishing #HachetteAudio

Nearly four years after an errant tackle left him paralyzed below the waist, the inspiring comeback story of how former Pittsburgh Steeler Ryan Shazier recovered to walk again.

As an All-American at Ohio State and All-Pro linebacker for the Pittsburgh Steelers, Ryan Shazier was living his best life while excelling at the game he loves, a game that has given him so much. But then Ryan was forced to redefine success. Suddenly, it was no longer measured by tackles or sacks, but by purpose and faith.

WALKING MIRACLE is the story of this new definition of success, following the arc from December 4, 2017, when Shazier was injured playing the Cincinnati Bengals, to his retirement. For three years, Shazier doggedly pursued a return to professional football. He took small wins as “first downs” on the drive to return to the field: moving his toes, walking, dancing at his wedding, and ultimately running and returning to the team. What Shazier didn’t realize is that along the way, he was preparing himself for another purpose—that of father and husband, philanthropist, and football analyst. The journey was preparing him not for a renewed life as a middle linebacker, but a renewed life after the game.

Nov 23, 2021

#BookReview #MyMotherMunchausensandMe #HelenNaylor #ThreadBooks


My Mother,


and Me

A true story of betrayal and a

shocking family secret

Helen Naylor

25th November 2021, 

Thread Available in Paperback Original, ebook & Audio

There was a time when I loved my mother. It’s shocking to imply that I stopped loving my mum because mothers always love their children and always do their best for them. Mothers are supposed to be good. But my mother wasn’t good.

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews ( Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews