Feb 1, 2020

Cover Reveal and Media for Ever After by Cara Wade

Dark Romance/Suspense Romance
Title: Ever After 
Author: Cara Wade
Release Date: 2/14/2019
Available on: Amazon (ebook and paperback), Kindle Unlimited
Synopsis: Finley Grier is kidnapped and being trained in a sex trafficking ring. The hope of escape is dim, so now she waits for a rescue. Can she stick it out long enough to be saved, or is this going to be her not so happily ever after? 

Jan 31, 2020

Review: The Forgotten Wife By Emma Robinson #BookonTour #Bookouture #NetGalley

Google Play: http://bit.ly/2Ro4NNz

When you see them, they are so happy, so in love. He’s holding the door open for her, she’s clearly expecting a baby. You think: she has everything I don’t. Everything I ever dreamed of…

There’s room in her house where Shelley has shut away a heartbreakingly-soft, never-used baby blanket. In a box, under a bed, behind a door that she never opens. If it’s there, she can forget about it. Just like she has her memories. Of a marriage that hadn’t been perfect. Of a life that didn’t go the way she had hoped.

Jan 29, 2020

Review: The Perfect Sister By Sheryl Browne #BookonTour #Bookouture #NetGalley

Google Play: http://bit.ly/2vjrnhW
‘You don’t know me, but I’m your sister.’

Claire is shocked when she receives a message out of the blue from Sophie, a beautiful young woman who tells Claire that she’s their father’s secret child. Having spent years nursing her sweet little daughter Ella through a life-threatening illness whilst dealing with the emotional fall-out of a devastating marriage breakdown, Claire feels tentatively excited to meet Sophie. Perhaps she might finally have someone in the family to lean on…

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews