Nov 5, 2018

Review: Mourning Routine Funeral Fakers Book 1

Author S.E. Babin

Book Trailer

Mourning Routine
Funeral Fakers 
Book 1
Written by S.E. Babin
Review by HeidiLynn's BookReviews

First, I would like to thank S.E. Babin for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Mourning Routine The Funeral Fakers, Book 1 by S.E. Babin first caught my eye for the amazingly adorable cartoonish cover. Once I saw that I had to read the synopsis of the book. This was my first time reading from this author however came recommended by Melissa Storm. If you have read my reviews before you know I am huge fan of hers. So, If she suggests her she must be good. Needless to say she was correct! I found this book to be cute, funny at times, and very suspenseful like I like in my books. However, you would never guess that this would be a mystery book by looking at the cover. I guess you really cant judge a book by its cover.

It was extremely comical to me that an unemployed Actress would be hired to play the part of a dead guys girlfriend to please their family. It literally was a role of a lifetime and she went above and beyond in this role. This book had twists and turns at every corner. Some you didn’t see coming in fact.

One thing I loved about this book was it was a brand new fresh idea. It was totally out of the box thinking. Nobody has ever thought of this concept before. Some parts will touch your heart, some will make you laugh out loud, some will tear you up inside with hurt, some parts will make you smile, and some will have you on the edge of your seat.

Nov 1, 2018

Review: Discovery In The Woods by Sandy Barton

Author Sandy Barton

Sandy Barton discussing her book

Discover In The Woods 
By Sandy Barton
Review by HeidiLynns BookReviews

First, I want to thank Sandy Barton for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Sandy Barton wrote an extremely cute book called Discovery in the Woods. This book is the first book in a series of four books. This book is unique and creative in the fact that a little boy discovers a little Leprechaun in the woods. During the book they form an extremely strong friendship.

I love how the book was dedicated to her 5th grade students whom heard the story and choose to believe.

I have reviewed children’s books In the past. However, she did something no other author I have come across has done. She gave tips on what to do before reading the book. For example: find a comfy place to read and get all comfy (that is very important), Look at the cover and gather all the information of the book that you can before starting. She also gives you tips while you read it like switch up the voices of the characters in your head, turn the words into pictures in your mind, etc. When you finish the book go tell someone about it. However, don’t spoil the ending for them.

I loved how Sophie found a Leprechaun in the woods two weeks till St. Patrick’s Day. Boy was he a feisty little man!! He went by CW McAllister.

One of my fave lines was “Well, I ain’t one of those talking mushrooms, am I.”

I laughed every time Mr. McAllister called Sandy Big One seeing Mr. McAllister was small.

I loved how Mr. McAllister was going to spend St. Patrick’s Day at Sandy’s school. In return Sandy was going to spend the evening having dinner with 152 of their community members. That was good compromise.

Sandy Barton the author is a retired elementary school teacher at Forest Elementary School Teacher in Buffalo, NY. She loved telling her students about the Leprechaun’s in her woods.

Oct 27, 2018

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