Jun 15, 2018

Review: Ambitious Drive by Kassandra Klay

First, I want to thank Kassandra Klay for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Kassandra Klay sure knows how to tell an amazing story with a dramatic cliff hanger at the end in Ambitious Drive Book One of the Ambition Serial! Wow! Even though this was a very short read it was packed with a sexy boss, amazing descriptive sex scenes, two candidates up for a promotion, and freaky stalkers that creeped not only Alex out but me as well! I cant wait to see what happens in the next book! I am definitely a new fan of Kassandra Klay now!!

Kassandra Klay

Jun 12, 2018

Review: Michelle Knight Life After Darkness

First, I want to thank the public library for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Michelle Knight is one amazing and brave woman to go through everything she went through being held hostage all those years with the Cleveland Kidnappings, raped, impregnated only to miscarry through all the beatings she went through. However, that was in the past. In this book Life After Darkness it has been 5 years since she has been freed from that torture she was forced to endure. She gives you a sneak peak of what her life was like after she got out. She had her ups and downs. However, she is one tough cookie!

When I heard she was writing this book I was very interested in reading this. I am a huge fan of true crime books. Not for the crime committed per say but the human side behind it. So when this case came out I was very invested in it. I watched all the news stories, watched Dr. Phil interviews, and read Michelle’s first book and related books too it. This one I was especially happy to read because It talks about how she has healed, moved on, found “her sweetie” and is helping other other abuse victims.

You can tell by her beautiful cover photo and the pictures in the book that she has finally let go of the negative past and has found happiness.  

Jun 11, 2018

Review: Tessa Portrait of a Survivor by Kathleen Kifer of The Lewiston Writer's Group

First, I want to thank Kathleen Kifer and the Lewiston Writers Group for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Kathleen Kifer is the strongest, spunkiest, toughest woman with a huge heart and the bravest Author I know to share her story in Tessa A Portrait of A Survivor. Kathleen has an incredible gift for writing especially when it came to telling her own story. You could tell by just reading it that she was passionate about what she was writing about because she lived it. They always say write about what you know and love. Not to mention by writing this must have healed her and put closure on some events in the book that took place.  

Many people like myself who have never personally had a family member diagnosed with any form of cancer may be interested to read this book. They would have a better understanding of what a cancer patient goes through. There is a character whom I actually have a huge soft spot for named Chloe whom got diagnosed with Breast Cancer. In this book Kathleen walks you through the stages of thinking you have the disease, to finding out you do, testing, treatment, etc. Plus, all the emotions, mental parts of it, and of course the physical. Not to mention how the family and friends react. Many parts I will be honest was hard for me to read and I cried. I never knew half of what Breast Cancer Patients went through. Nor did I know how fast it could spread and to other body parts.

One topic that was touched on that I feel strongly about not getting proper medical treatment because they don’t have health insurance. Everyone should have health insurance even if it is Medicaid. For someone who might have any type of cancer and not be able to looked at because they don’t have health insurance is just a crime!!

I was actually shocked to find out to save someone’s life from breast cancer spreading you need to remove the arm. My heart went out to Tessa at this moment in time! I could totally understand where she would feel self-conscious about as she called it her “stump” and didn’t want many people to see it. We all have insecurities about our bodies. Nobody Is perfect. This just now makes her unique. So, I totally understood when she wanted nothing to do with the prosthetic arm! I loved how she stood up to the guy and how understanding Dr. Camden was.

One thing I liked about this book is that she mentioned a lot of places in Buffalo, NY. I too am from Buffalo, NY and smiled when places were mentioned that I knew of. Not many authors put Buffalo, NY locations in their book. So, it is nice to be recognized. Especially if it isn’t for the snow or the Bills loosing.

I love how Kathleen thanked the Lewiston Writers Group for supporting and encouraging her throughout every step of her endeavor.

It was pretty special that her friend Lynn Passanese posed for the beautiful cover of the book as Tessa.

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews