Jun 12, 2018

Review: Michelle Knight Life After Darkness

First, I want to thank the public library for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Michelle Knight is one amazing and brave woman to go through everything she went through being held hostage all those years with the Cleveland Kidnappings, raped, impregnated only to miscarry through all the beatings she went through. However, that was in the past. In this book Life After Darkness it has been 5 years since she has been freed from that torture she was forced to endure. She gives you a sneak peak of what her life was like after she got out. She had her ups and downs. However, she is one tough cookie!

When I heard she was writing this book I was very interested in reading this. I am a huge fan of true crime books. Not for the crime committed per say but the human side behind it. So when this case came out I was very invested in it. I watched all the news stories, watched Dr. Phil interviews, and read Michelle’s first book and related books too it. This one I was especially happy to read because It talks about how she has healed, moved on, found “her sweetie” and is helping other other abuse victims.

You can tell by her beautiful cover photo and the pictures in the book that she has finally let go of the negative past and has found happiness.  


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Heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews