Feb 24, 2021

#NewBookRelease #TheSonofSamandMe #TheTruthAboutWhyIWasntShot #CarlDenaro #BrianWhitney #WildBluePress


‘THE SON OF SAM’ AND ME: The Truth About Why I Wasn't Shot by David Berkowitz
by Carl Denaro with Brian Whitney

“The Son of Sam” David Berkowitz was a lone gunman who was told to kill by his neighbor’s demonic dog. But what if he wasn’t acting alone? 

In 1976, a killer who called himself ‘The Son of Sam’ shot and killed a half dozen people and wounded as many more in New York City. During his crime spree, the madman left bizarre letters mocking the police and promising more deaths.

After months of terrorizing the city while garnering front-page headlines and international attention, a man named David Berkowitz was arrested. He confessed to the shootings, claiming to be obeying a demon that resided in a dog that belonged to his neighbor “Sam.”

Among the alleged victims was Carl Denaro. On the night he was shot, Denaro was hanging out with some friends at a bar when he met up with a woman named Rosemary Keenan. The couple left the bar and went to Keenan’s car to make out. However, a few minutes later, the windows of the car exploded as Denaro was shot in the head by an unseen assailant. Miraculously, Denaro survived the attack.

When Berkowitz was arrested, he was charged with trying to kill Denaro. However, there was a twist. Although he confessed to the other shootings, after his conviction Berkowitz denied attacking Denaro.

Now, after years of research, Denaro is convinced that Berkowitz was telling the truth, and that someone else tried to kill him.

In ‘THE SON OF SAM’ AND ME: The Truth About Why I Wasn’t Shot By David Berkowitz, author Carl Denaro with co-author Brian Whitney reveals his search for the truth and his shocking conclusion regarding the identity of the real shooter. In the book, Denaro also writes about his friendship and investigative partnership with Maury Terry, the author of THE ULTIMATE EVIL, which is considered the definitive case study on the theory that Berkowitz did not act alone.

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This title comes before a Netflix special about "The Son of Sam" which features author Carl Denaro. 

#CoverReveal #TheMixUp #MelanieMunton #XpressoTours


The Mix-Up
Melanie Munton
(Southern Hearts Club, #3)
Publication date: April 6th 2021
Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance

She thought she accidentally slept with her boss…
Then she met his twin brother.

Real talk: I slept with my boss. Back before he even was my boss. Back when I had no clue who he was.

Real talk: My boss is an arrogant jerk. I hate him. If we didn’t work so well together, I would have told him exactly where he could shove his pompous attitude a long time ago.

Turns out…my boss has a twin. Identical twin.

Now I know why he’s always acted like our one night together never happened. Why he acted like he’d never met me before when I started working for him.

#5DayMiniBlogBlitz #OneNightInBeartown #NickJones #SiClark #RachelsRandomResources

One Night in Beartown

From the award-winning duo that brought you Sarah’s Shadow comes another magical adventure...

When bear-mad schoolgirl Sandy Lane has her beloved teddy bear Berisford confiscated at school, she dreads the thought of going a whole night without his cuddles. 

Little does she know that a bear-rilliant night awaits her, involving Berisford, a bear statue and many other wonderful friends!

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#CoverReveal #TheMixup #MelanieMunton #BuoniAmiciPress



Title: The Mix-Up (Southern Hearts Club, Book 3) 

Author: Melanie Munton 

Genre: Romantic Comedy 

Release Date: April 6, 2021 

Cover Designer: L.J. Anderson at Mayhem Cover Creations 

Hosted by: Buoni Amici Press, LLC. 

She thought she accidentally slept with her boss… Then she met his twin brother.

Real talk: I slept with my boss. Back before he even was my boss. Back when I had no clue who he was. Real talk: My boss is an arrogant jerk. I hate him. If we didn’t work so well together, I would have told him exactly where he could shove his pompous attitude a long time ago. Turns out…my boss has a twin. Identical twin. Now I know why he’s always acted like our one night together never happened. Why he acted like he’d never met me before when I started working for him. It wasn’t him that night. It was his brother. A brother who’s just as gorgeous as my boss and a hell of a lot nicer. Real talk: I’m kind of…bothered that it wasn’t my boss that night. But that’s before certain revelations about that night come to light.


Tweet: Check out the vibrant Cover for book 3 in the Southern Hearts Club By @Melanie_munton The Mix Up HERE>> https://ctt.ec/GkzlX+ #Preorder Today @Amazon https://ctt.ec/dbe5C+ Start the Series https://ctt.ec/j47hs+ #BAPpr #RomanticComedy

#BookBlitz #TheDarkArts #KittyThomas #XpressoTours


The Dark Arts
Kitty Thomas
Publication date: February 17th 2021
Genres: Adult, Dark Romance, Romance

The Complete Duet

The Con Artist:

Art. Obsession. Twisted possession.

When starving artist Saskia Roth meets Lachlan Niche, a local art collector and tech tycoon, she has no idea how her life is about to change. One act of desperation, one con gone wrong, and she finds herself at the mercy of a powerful man she fears and despises–or so she thinks.

As her desire for him grows, life as his captive becomes something more… something that could both transform her and destroy her.

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews