Mar 15, 2025

#BlogTour #BookReview #Love&Laughter(andotherdisasters) #EloraCanne


Love & Laughter (and other disasters) - A midlife romcom by Elora Canne

Life in Pelican Cove is about to be disrupted when felines and big feelings move into the neighbourhood, along with the newcomers.

Meryl starts having unsolicited feelings for local yogi, Louis, aka Captain Underpants. She valiantly fights the moral dilemma of falling in love ‘at her age.’ However, she's secretly enjoying the new experience, until her grown-up daughter casts doubt in her mind.

In a spontaneous act of defiance, Meryl decides to engage in the friendship of a secret admirer, Gardening Pop, via a local gardening forum as well. They share misguided messages of blooms as their friendship blossoms.

Meanwhile, Louis, Captain Underpants, finds himself in a love triangle of his own, when yogi, Glenda, makes her move on him. Glenda elicits the help of her close friend, Antoinette, and the two go off on a relationship101 Girls Only Weekend Getaway. There, they literally stumble upon sizzling trail guide, Andy. Soon, Glenda discovers she has no need to poach Louis after all.

Will Meryl still be interested in Louis' suave moves? Or, has Gardening Pop plucked at her heartstrings?

This laugh-out-loud romcom novella brings out the best and the worst in the people of Pelican Cove, in a tangle of love and laughter, and other disasters.

Elora speaks openly about her relationships across all dynamics. She reveals nuances that expose her insecurities and resultant growth with naïve honesty. Elora shows us how she copes with mother-guilt, people-pleasing and intimacy with an unusual blend of insight, pain and resolution. Her candid disclosures are sometimes sombre, sometimes humorous, always enlightening.

‘Look, we’re not getting any younger and a wasted opportunity can’t be revisited.’ Norrie offered.

Otherwise there’s Meryl’s excerpt on one of the promo images if the above one isn’t suitable.

Love & Laughter (and other disasters)
Written By Elora Canne
Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews 

First, I want to thank Elora Canne for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. 

Oh Elora Canne, your book Love & Laughter (and other disasters) was a breath of fresh air compared to the psychological thrillers I am used to reading!! Your book put a koolaid smile on my face, many times gave me a chuckle or two, and gave me an eye opening look at dating when I get older.

Amber Grosjean did an incredible job designing Elora’s cover for her book. It was absolutely stunning and with bright beautiful colors. It was an eye-catching cover that makes you want to know more about the book. 

My heart broke for Meryl who lost her husband Arthur and was conflicted if she should pursue happiness with someone else this late in life. What would her daughter think of this turn of events? Would she approve?

I laughed that she wrote a pro/con list of why she should or should not date him. 

Elora not only let Meryl express her feelings but Louis got to express his anxieties as well that was refreshing to see. 

This is an adorable, cute, fast paced read, one sitting read. 


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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews ( Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews