Jul 10, 2024

#BookReview #IRobGraves #RobertPGraves #Memoir #LGTBQ+ #MentalHealth #ChildhoodTrauma #LilibetPublishing


I, Rob Graves

Here, you will delve into the compelling and deeply personal narrative of "I, Rob Graves," a remarkable journey that unveils the critical importance of accurate diagnosis and treatment compliance. In this introspective odyssey, you'll follow the life of Robert P. Graves, a resilient gay man who came of age in Buffalo, New York, during the height of the AIDS Epidemic.

As you navigate the pages of this story, Robert opens his heart and soul, laying bare the intimate details of his life's tapestry. You'll accompany him through the arduous process of self-discovery and acceptance of his homosexuality, while bearing witness to the monumental health challenges he encountered along the way. Robert bares it all—his years of therapy, the battle against a sex addiction, his journey of reconciling his sexuality, and the management of depression and Bipolar Disorder through meticulous medication oversight.

Within these words, you'll discover how Robert learned the profound art of forgiveness and acceptance, ultimately finding success and inner peace in a world that often met him with cruelty. By sharing his story, he passionately champions the cause of destigmatizing mental health and sexuality, dismantling the stereotypes that have been unfairly assigned.

The title, "I, Rob Graves," alludes to Robert's tumultuous past, where he grappled with an anonymous sex addiction as a way to self-medicate during one of the most perilous eras for gay men. Yet, he emerged from those dark days, triumphant and HIV-negative, having defied the odds during the AIDS Epidemic.

Penned by a gay man who weathered the storm of the AIDS Epidemic and wrestled with the complexities of mental health, "I, Rob Graves" stands as a beacon of hope. It encourages readers to forge their own paths when grappling with mental health, sexuality, and addiction, whether within the LGBTQ+ community or the broader society. Robert's story serves as an inspirational testament to resilience, extending a reassuring hand to those enduring trauma and mental health struggles, letting them know they are not alone, not "diseased" or tainted, but deserving of the same love, acceptance, and forgiveness that Robert has found within himself.

Thank you for visiting RobertPGraves.com, where we hope you'll find solace, inspiration, and a powerful reminder that there is light at the end of even the darkest tunnels.








Who Is Robert P. Graves

Robert, a seasoned author with a thriving career in the corporate world as a project manager for a prominent multinational healthcare equipment corporation, resides in Buffalo, New York. Embracing his identity as an openly gay individual, Robert's journey is marked by resilience and self-discovery.

His encounter with chronic clinical depression at the tender age of 16 marked the onset of a lifelong battle, one that had silently plagued him since the age of nine when he experienced his inaugural episode of self-harm ideation. As he navigated the process of coming out, his depression evolved into bipolar depression disorder, remaining unidentified and untreated until he reached the age of 44. The untreated manic episodes manifested in the form of an anonymous sex addiction, a struggle that persisted for over two decades, even during the height of the HIV/AIDS epidemic. It wasn't until Robert candidly addressed this addiction with his therapist that his bipolar disorder finally came to light. Through the aid of pharmacological intervention and dedicated therapeutic support, he triumphed over his addiction.

Robert's forties have ushered in a phase of stability and personal growth, characterized by his passion for boating, gardening, and active community involvement with esteemed organizations such as the Alzheimer’s Association. In the company of his beloved companions, Bacchus the cat and Lily the French bulldog, he cherishes the tranquil moments life offers.

Having traversed a profound therapeutic journey, Robert has cultivated the capacity to forgive others and embrace his family and friends as they are. His focus has now shifted inward, allowing him to extend forgiveness to himself for the recklessness of his past decisions. Today, he stands as a testament to success and resilience—a healthy, HIV-negative gay man thriving amidst the complexities of bipolar depression.

I, Rob Graves

My Struggle With Childhood Trauma, Homosexuality and Bipolor Disorder

Written By Robert P. Graves 

Review by Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews 

First, I want to thank Robert P. Graves and Lilibet Publishing for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. 

 I, Rob Graves, My Struggle with Childhood Trauma, Homosexuality, and Bipolar Disorder Is the perfect book to read right after we just celebrated pride month. 

Why you may ask? Because Robert P. Graves opens his heart and shares his raw emotions of what it feels like to have unknown feelings for someone in a world where he couldn’t be his true self. Many including myself (who in June just came out as pansexual) can totally relate many aspects of this story and know that others will too. 

First, let's just talk about how beautiful and calming this book cover is! Rob mentioned in the book he wrote this book in a tropical destination so this beach scenery is perfect for the cover! I loved it! 

Rob would like to dedicate this book to George. He will ever be grateful for your gifts of kindness and friendship. For giving him the knowledge of forgiveness and acceptance. May he RIP. 

One thing I loved about this book was that Rob and I are both WNYers and I also lived in Rochester for a little bit. That being said, a lot of the places, events or individuals he had mentioned I was familiar with. 

I loved hearing stories of him growing up. But the one that stood out to me was when his car caught on fire at school! How in the world did that happen?! Oh and that funny comment the teacher made cracked me up. 

Rob shares his stories of how he learned he was interested in men. As the book gets deeper the stories he shares get way more explicit! When I mean explicit oh he goes spicy!!! Very spicy and he is good at writing that genre. 

There is a story that he shares that I remember seeing on the news and l remember thinking that is an odd news story…only to find out Rob lived it. Now I have the mental picture to back it up lol. 

My heart broke in two and I wanted to reach into the book and give Rob such a huge hug when he got the tragic news of George's passing! 

This book deals with a lot of very important issues such as mental health, HIV, Mental Health, Childhood Trauma, Bipolarism, etc. 

This is a must read and I highly recommend it. 


R's Rue said...

Thank you for sharing. I may give it a read.

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews