Jun 10, 2024

#BlogTour #Guilty #RubySpeechley #BoldwoodBooks #RachelsRandomResources



“You’re invited to my farewell party. I’ve got something to tell you before I die…”

Heather wants to leave this world with a clear conscience.

One confession. One secret. Two scores to settle.

Heather accepted the fate of her terminal diagnosis long ago, but now the time is nearing, she arranges a huge farewell party for her nearest and dearest.

She wants to say goodbye to everyone personally, but there’s another reason she wants the people in her life to gather.

She knows who killed young Simon Eyre all those years ago, and she needs to tell. The boy deserves justice.

But she doesn’t realise that by freeing her own inner demons, she’s unleashing much worse secrets, and putting everyone at risk…

Purchase Link - https://mybook.to/Guiltysocial

Ruby Speechley is a bestselling psychological thriller writer, whose titles include Someone Else’s Baby. Previously published by Hera, she has been a journalist and worked in PR and lives in Cheshire.

Social Media Links – 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100063999185095

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rubyspeechley

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rubyjtspeechley/

Newsletter Sign Up: https://bit.ly/RubySpeechleyNews

Bookbub profile: https://www.bookbub.com/authors/ruby-speechley

Written By Ruby Speechley 
Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Ruby Speechley, Boldwood Books, NetGalley and Rachel’s Random Resources for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. 

WOW!! Ruby Speechley has done it again creating an out of the box storyline in Guilty! This is one book I would love to know what was behind this twisted tale.

We start off the book learning some somber news of the main character that will have some effect one way or another on each of the characters in the book. What I thought was a great idea was that she wanted to get everyone together and host a celebration of life party. However, what she didn’t tell her guest is the reason for the party. So, you can imagine all the wild guesses as to why they were all there. Some of them were hilarious. 

I loved how Heather was being so generous and thoughtful giving away mementos of hers to her friends that they have cherished for ages. However, they didn’t understand why.

What a great idea Heather had to write letters and cards to both her sons when she first got diagnosed with advice, how she met their Dad, etc. That would be so comforting to them once she was gone. 

Secrets can be powerful and dangerous as can their confessions and that is just what happens in Guilty! 


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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews