Oct 10, 2023

#BlogTour #BookReview #ThePatient #ColeBaxter #InkubatorBooks #NetGalley #ZoolooBookReviews


Ten years ago, James Owens was convicted of a murder he couldn’t remember committing. 


Now, finally released from the mental institution where he’s served his time, he is placed under house arrest in the sprawling family home he has inherited from his father.


Living in isolation, visited only by his therapist, parole officer, and supportive but controlling twin Janet, he at least has something resembling peace. But he is still haunted by hallucinations, nightmares, and bizarre memories which may or may not be real.


Strange sounds in the house, and objects which disappear or are mysteriously damaged all add to his fear that he is sliding into uncontrolled insanity again.


But is he? Or is his fragile mental state being manipulated by someone with a sinister agenda of their own?


When tragedy strikes, James must go on a journey that will force him to confront the past – and the haunted depths of his own tortured soul.


Goodreads : https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/199052776-the-patient

Buy Links : https://mybook.to/thepatient-zbt

Cole Baxter loves writing psychological suspense thrillers. It’s all about that last reveal that he loves shocking readers with.

He grew up in New York, where there crime was all around. He decided to turn that into something positive with his fiction.

His stories will have you reading through the night—they are very addictive!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColeBaxterAuthor/




The Patient 

Written By 

Cole Baxter

Review By

Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Cole Baxter, Inkubator Books, and Zooloo Book Tours for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review. 

Cole Baxter’s latest psychological thriller The Patient gives us the readers an inside look of what it is like mentally and emotionally to be released from a mental institution. By giving us a close personal look he focuses on all sorts of mental health issues. This combo made this for a very eye opening and fascinating read. 

As someone who suffers from anxiety and panic attacks I totally felt for James and his attacks. 

I laughed at the part where James mentioned that all of the medical receptionists he talked to are always so cheery. 

This book is filled with suspense, drama, and discovery of James’s past! 


Zooloo's Book Diary said...

Thank you so much for taking part in the tour x

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews