Apr 29, 2023

#BookReview #TheRevengeList #HannahMaryMckinnon #Mira #NetGalley


They say life flashes before your eyes when you’re about to die.

But all she could see was regret.

The people in Frankie Morgan’s life say she’s angry. Emotionally stunted. Combative. But really, who can blame her? It’s hard being nice when your clients are insufferable, your next-door neighbor is a miserable woman and the cowardly driver who killed your mother is still out living it up somewhere.

Somehow, though, she finds herself at her very first anger-management group session—drinking terrible coffee and learning all about how “forgiveness is a process.”

One that starts with a list.

Frankie is skeptical. A list of everyone who’s wronged her in some way over the years? More paper, please. Still, she makes the pointless list—with her own name in a prominent spot—and promptly forgets about it…until it goes missing. And one by one, the people she’s named start getting hurt in freak accidents, each deadlier than the last.

Could it be coincidence giving her the revenge she never dared to seek…or something more sinister?

If Frankie doesn’t find out who’s behind it all, she might be next.

The Revenge List publishes on May 23, 2023, and is available for pre-order now. Click here for all the links.

Internationally bestselling author Hannah Mary McKinnon was born in the UK, grew up in Switzerland and moved to Canada in 2010. Her suspense novels include THE NEIGHBORS, and bestsellers HER SECRET SON, SISTER DEAR, YOU WILL REMEMBER ME, NEVER COMING HOME, and THE REVENGE LIST, which is her seventh novel. She also writes romantic comedies under the pseudonym Holly Cassidy. Her first, THE CHRISTMAS WAGER, will publish in the fall of 2023. Hannah Mary lives in Oakville, Ontario, with her husband and three sons.


Website:                      www.HannahMaryMcKinnon.com

Facebook:                   www.facebook.com/HannahMaryMcKinnon (@hannahmarymckinnon)

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Goodreads:                  www.goodreads.com/author/show/15144570.Hannah_Mary_McKinnon

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First Chapter Fun        www.firstchapterfun.com


The Revenge List

Written By

Hannah Mary McKinnon

Review By 

Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews 

First, I want to thank Hannah Mary McKinnon, Mira, and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review!

OH SNAP!! Remind me never to get on Hannah Mary Mckinnon’s bad side. I wouldn't want to end up on her version of The Revenge List!! This is one her most creative and brilliantly written storylines outside of the box! If you like major family drama, suspense, heartache, tragedy, wicked twists, then this is a must read for you! 

OMG!!! Hannah Mary McKinnon’s detailed intense opening scenes were so vivid that I felt like I was right there with the character! I was literally at the edge of my comfy chair nibbling on my nails as I felt all the feels that she was! Can you say major anxiety too?! It was this opening chapter that I knew Hannah Mary was going to have a best seller on her hands! 

I had to lol when Frankie mentioned shoving coffee stirrers into her eyeballs. As a chronic migrainer I am all too familiar with what that pain feels like-and it is not fun! I wouldn’t suggest it to anyone! 

The Revenge List intrigued me and fascinated me to no end. I loved the idea of the forgiveness list and learning the backstory of why each person made the list. 

Oh the family drama in The Revenge List was totally crazy!! My heart ached for all that Frankie had to endure! 

The Revenge List is one book that you will want to add to your growing TBR list! It is definitely a  5 star must read! 


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Heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews