Jun 30, 2021

#BookReview #Heather #GCMckay


14 Reasons Why You Should Get With
Heather Loralie

H. You’ve never known anyone who makes you feel the way she does

E. She's drop dead gorgeous, and you met her inside a bookstore ♥

A. The clothes she wears are all inadvertent cosplay outfits

T.  She can keep secrets (?)

H. She won’t hit the wall for decades

E. She’s never mentioned anything about being a feminist

R. She looks at you the same way you do her

L. You’ve never heard her talk about her dietary preferences

O. When you’re with her the world is more vibrant, more... colourful

R. She somehow makes dungarees look good

A. She’s the only girl you’ve ever truly wanted to protect

L. Since you have no children, with her, you get to play Daddy

I.  She’ll remain fertile for decades

E. She hasn’t ploughed her way through more pipe than Andy Dufresne

1 Reason You Should NOT Get With
Heather Loralie


14. Making you, 21 years her senior.
You’re 35, Michael. 35.
Heather is 14.

Heather Loralie is fourteen years old


G.C. McKay is a writer with a Masters degree in existentially-induced nihilism, a PhD in gazing long enough into the abyss until it gazes back and a Perfect Attendance Certificate in all drinks containing alcohol, including mouthwash. He enjoys doing an impression of himself whilst reviewing books that'll knock your balls off on his YouTube channel: youtube.com/gcmckay

Deriving the majority of his material from the dank, debauched wet spots of his ever-questionable memory, you'll find his characters trapped inside a world similar to the one you inhabit; a place where promises are only made to be broken, betrayal is rife and often encouraged and identities crumble and wither under the irresistible appeal of salacious self-destruction. For fans of Dark Literary and Transgressive Fiction, Psychological Horror, Satire and Black Humour.

GC McKay’s Website

GC McKay’s Facebook




G.C. McKay

Review by

Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank G.C. Mckay for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

OMG!!! Can someone please explain to me why more people are NOT talking about G.C. Mckay and Heather?! WOW!! Seriously, we all should be talking about this book!! He pushed boundaries where no other author has gone before!! I commend him for having the balls to do that but DANG!! Heather is so taboo!!!

While I was reading this very controversial book I wondered how G.C. Dreamed up such a storyline. Infact, in one point of the story he apologized for taking a break due to the subject matter getting to him. That was a first for me. 

I will say that G.C. Has a way with words and is an incredible storyteller! 

My mind had a hard time wrapping around the intimate scenes let alone reading them. I was just blown away by the content. Let’s just say I am an open minded reader but not this open minded! 

The end of the book left me speechless with no words!! It was so sick, twisted, perverse, and mind blowing!! Dang G.C. You can really tell a story!  


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Heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews