Oct 30, 2020

#BookReview #PSSTPublicSchoolSpeachPathologyTheBestKeptSecretinthePublicSchools #WRay #AuthorHouse #NonFictionBookAwards


P.S.S.T. Public School Speech Therapist discusses the life of a public school speech therapist in schools. It explores the ups and downs of having such a position and how rewarding, humorous and challenging it can be.

W. Ray completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in speech pathology. She later received her doctorate degree in Child and Youth Studies. She worked in the public schools for 16 years in a variety of districts and states. She has been a speech-language pathologist for a very long time and has a real passion for working with children. She felt the need to write a book not only to support speech therapists in the public schools, but to also raise awareness of their position in hopes that they would be appreciated for what they do every day.

Public School Speech Pathologist
(The Best Kept Secret in the Public Schools)
Review by 
Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank W.Ray, Author House and The NonFiction Awards for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

W.Ray wrote an eye opening book looking into P.S.S.T Public School Speech Therapist (The Best Kept Secret In The Public Schools). W.Ray shared personal stories and experiences that the author had throughout their career. 

This book is dedicated to all the P.S.S.T’s (Public School Speech Pathologists) survivors and lets them know how appreciated they are.

For me personally I was very interested in reading this book as my sister is a P.S.S.T. She loves what she does and has a huge heart for the kids she teaches. 

I smiled when W.Ray stated they do what they do for the kids. I laughed when it was mentioned there was some bizarre cases. 

WOW! W.Ray sure did go through the trenches with how many years, states and district she worked at in this field. 

One thing I loved about W.Ray was she was so open and honest about sharing her experiences she had. It made the book more personal. 

I give W.Ray lots of credit for traveling she did when on assignment for students. 

At times W.Ray cracked me up about wishing she had a Fit Bit while working because she logged in more than 8,000 steps. 

I loved how W.Ray thought outside of the box when wasn’t given money for supplies. So creative to think of making them themselves. 


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Heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews