Jun 28, 2020

#BookReview The President Raped Me Too By Q.X. Ganick

Only one man in America is above the law, but one woman will risk everything for justice.

Fact: no U.S. President in history has ever been indicted for a state crime while in office. Rape is a state crime. The fact is, a sitting President could forcibly rape a woman and get away with it.
The President Raped Me Too is a fast-paced allegorical thriller that shows how a corrupt U.S. President could use the powers of his office to avoid punishment.

Follow Amy Bolden, the woman raped by President Richard Kidger in this timely story, as she struggles with the devastating emotional fallout of being raped by her boss. Despite that heavy burden, Amy will nevertheless persist in her struggle against the most powerful man in the world and everyone in America who believes his word over hers. She will lead the charge against America’s admirable but flawed legal system and fight for the justice she and her fellow #MeToo survivors deserve.

The President Raped Me Too 
By Q.X Ganick
Review by 
Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Q.X. Ganick for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

Q.X. Ganick wrote an incredibly controversial must read book that will blow your mind in The President Raped Me Too. This is one book that is so intense that it will bring out multiple emotions in you. Not only that but it will stick with you long after you are done with the book. 

Now, normally I don’t agree to read political books as I don’t follow politics. However, I am very big into the #METOO movement and that aspect of the story made me extremely interested in this book. This situation could be something ripped from the headlines. 

The President Raped Me Too affected me on so many levels emotionally! Many times I was incredibly frustrated with the President, a man in high power who took advantage of certain situations. Then there were other times where I was sickened at what he did to those innocent girls. Not to mention the two shockers at the end of the book. 

Q.X. Did this story justify not telling each side of the story from his side, the girls side, the investigation, the media, the emotional aftermath that the girls went through, etc. It is an extremely powerful story with so many good messages hidden in it. 

There were graphic scenes of how he took advantage of the girls. So, please read those parts at your own risk. 

Q.X. Stresses after reading this book the importance of voting the right candidate for the job of Presidency. 


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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews