May 17, 2020

Review: A Persevering Heart By Lisa M Prysock

When Ms. Pepper Anne Barrington isn’t driving her convertible Aston Martin or writing her bestselling mysteries, she’s busy solving real-life dilemmas happening to her three grown children or the guests visiting her Atlanta bed and breakfast, Edgewater Coventry B & B. It seems to Miss Pepper, there’s always an air of romance, mystery, and perhaps a little adventure and mayhem at the restored 19th century plantation.
When handsome handyman and popular up and coming musician, Bradley Fielding, inherits his grandmother’s Victorian estate in Georgia, he relocates his band from Nashville to Atlanta to oversee the renovations. He decides to stay at the Edgewater Coventry B & B while the Fielding house that has been in his family for generations is being remodeled. All kinds of things begin to go wrong, including the disappearance of his sister and an antique pocket watch.
Patricia Johnston, avid reader and administrative assistant to Miss Pepper, is perhaps the most disturbed of all when she is framed for stealing Brad Fielding’s antique watch. She’s off to the wrong start in her new job—and with one of the country’s most eligible bachelors.
Don’t miss the adventure, romance, and sometimes mystery in “A Persevering Heart,” Book 1 of the new, exciting Christian and inspirational series, ‘Georgia Peaches,’ where each novella ends with a happily ever after in spite of a number of obstacles.

About Lisa Prysock

Lisa M. Prysock is the author of "To Find a Duchess," "The Shoemaker," "Marry Me Katie," "Dreams of Sweetwater River," "Geneva," "Protecting Miss Jenna," and many other novels. When she was thirteen, she knew she wanted to be a mother and a writer. Lisa says she went on a detour a number of times, but the Lord generously allowed both of her dreams to come true. Today, she writes both Christian Historical Romance and Christian Contemporary Romance books--"Romance with a Dash of Food, Fashion, Faith, & Fun."

Each of her books have a theme such as suffering, the depths of God's love for us, mercy, overcoming, discovering purpose, and more. Many of her books have fun, interesting characters and they often shine a spotlight on influential evangelicals in history such as Booth, Chapman, Moody, Charles Wesley, Spurgeon, Fanny Crosby, and more. She is also the author of a devotional.  

"I don't know how it happens but most of my books end up in beautiful England or Kentucky, and of course, Wyoming."

Kentucky inspires her writing and is home. She is happily married to her husband of more than 20 years and homeschooled two of their five children, all grown. Lisa grew up in the Ohio Valley and also spent her early childhood years in Wisconsin and Minnesota on a farm. "Yes, there were chickens, a cow named Daisy, horses, a huge vegetable garden, fishing, a tree house, and snowmobiles!"  

Lisa remembers writing her very first book in kindergarten in Wisconsin, with help from the teacher. "It was a book about 'Curious George.' I couldn't spell yet, but the teacher wrote words beneath my illustrations for what I wanted to say on each page and stapled the pages together for me." She has been writing ever since. She won a prize for a short chapter story in 8th grade and remembers buying a manual typewriter with some of her first earnings. 

Some of her interests include walking, swimming, working out, cross stitch, sewing, crochet, sketching and painting, dollhouses, gardening, shopping and fashion, cooking and baking, hanging out with her family, watching movies, and reading/writing great books. She likes chocolate, dancing, learning to play the piano and violin ("a painful process," she admits), coffee, tea, flip flops, hats, butterflies, hydrangeas, roses, petunias, dill pickle flavored chips, and driving around in her red Jeep with the sunroof open, blasting the volume and singing to the Lord. Some of her favorite music artists include Jordan Feliz, Tedashii, Hollyn, Lecrae, Toby Mac, Michael W. Smith, and For King & Country. 

A few of her favorite books include the "Little House on the Prairie" series, the "Anne of Green Gables" collection, the Jane Austen collection, C.S. Lewis books, "Heidi," "Christy," "Jane Eyre," and "Little Women."  

She enjoys writing family oriented, romantic, sweet, clean, wholesome literature and likes to make readers smile and laugh. Sharing her faith in Christ and uplifting and encouraging others through her writing in an interesting way is her number one aspiration. She believes people need and want to know how wonderful the Lord is and attributes her dream of writing coming true entirely to Him. Her writing theme verse is Acts 16:31, Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved--you and your household. Her slogan is "The Old-Fashioned Everything Girl."

Lisa gives a generous portion of the proceeds of her books each month to missionaries and evangelists to further the gospel, striving to follow the model of Lydia in the New Testament, who supported and gave to Paul and Barnabas with her substance. For more information about this author and to find out when her next book will launch, enter book giveaways, and find more reader resources, she can be found at:

A Persevering Heart By Lisa M. Prysock
Review by Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews 

First, I want to thank Lisa M. Prysock for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. 

A Preserververing Heart by Lisa M. Prysock is a quick, sweet, clean, cozy mystery. It is jam packed with something that I feel everyone will love. 

The front cover is perfect for the story as it has a beautiful bride on the front. Kudos to the graphic designers on getting the concept of the book correct. 

Lisa is incredible when it comes to writing descriptions that were very detailed of her characters, what they were wearing, etc. 

I myself am a huge fan of music, pop culture and all things celebrities so I really got a kick out of that storyline. I would have acted just like the main character did in this situation. 

There was a good mystery to this book as to who stole the pocket watch. However, this is a clean book as there is no violence, no curse words, etc. It is very refreshing compared to others I have read. 

Each chapter starts off with a quote from someone famous that represents the chapter. Plus, you get to see some cute little doodles too. 


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