May 1, 2024

#BookReview #TheGoldenHour #Excerpt #JennyHale #HarpethRoadPress


The Golden Hour

A Powerful, Heartwarming Summer Love Story

(Standalone Novel)

After the loss of her single father, Josie Wills is forced to give up her dreams and return home to take care of her autistic teenage brother Nick. But she doesn’t just leave her dreams behind; she has to leave her first real love Julian Russell.

Having been the mother figure for Nick his entire life, stepping into the role of parent comes easily for Josie. She adores Nick, and taking care of him makes her feel closer to her mother who never had the chance to see them grow up. For the last three years, Josie has gladly carried the torch and picked up where her mother left off. Although supporting Nick in their small mountain town on a waitress’s salary isn’t as easy.

Willing to put all her faith in her brother’s incredible skills, Josie sells everything they have, to enroll him in a mathematics competition. The two make the journey from their Tennessee town to the upscale world of Rosemary Beach. The stunning, serene coastal town along the Gulf Coast is full of cafés, bicycles, and cobbled streets. What she doesn’t expect is to find Julian there.

But Julian isn’t the only surprise that summer. Josie will soon find out exactly how far love can stretch when she uncovers a mystery that will change her life and the lives of those around her forever.

An uplifting summer escape that will strengthen your family bonds and have you believing in the incredible power of love. If you enjoyed the TV movies based on Jenny’s books and are looking for more feel-good, small-town romance, look no further!


The Golden Hour

Chapter One

Lox Creek, Tennessee


Growing up, Josie Wills thought she’d had so many choices available to her. But when it came down to it, she’d really only had one.

She didn’t want to think about the options she’d let go. What was the point? Surrendering to the uniformity of everyday living was much easier. The security of consistency outweighed the thrill of surprises. Or at least that was what she told herself.

She turned off the bathroom light and felt her way down the hall. When she arrived at the kitchen she blinked to adjust to thebrightness, where—to her surprise—her teenage brother, Nick, was already awake before the sun. His head was down as he worked on a math problem in his spiral notebook over his breakfast of eggs and toast.

“I have to go in early today,” she said. “You going to be okay?”


When his attention didn’t leave his notebook, she knew better than to take his response personally.

“All right, love you.”

“Okay,” he replied, evidently too fixated on his page to think about being cordial.

At eighteen, his face was starting to appear less youthful and more chiseled, his mature legs stretching out and filling the space under the small kitchen table. Josie tried not to focus on how old he was getting. She treasured her younger brother, and she wanted to hold on to this time together forever.

While they were bound by family and shared the same green eyes their father had, the siblings couldn’t be more different. Nick’s hair was a much lighter brown than hers, and he’d gotten lankier limbs like the rest of the family, while she was petite and solid. Nick had exceptional skills in math, but she’d been more interested in literature and history. Yet, despite their differences, they got along incredibly well.

She grabbed her purse and rushed out the door, climbed into her car, and sat for a moment in the silence.

Nick had been having trouble in school again. Because of that, he’d become withdrawn. None of the teachers or his counselor seemed to know the best way to reach him, and he didn’t have many friends to offer support. Graduation was in a few weeks. He’d asked if he could skip the ceremony, which had broken her heart. The event would probably be a sensory overload for him, but she was willing to bet his reluctance to go was due more to the fact that he was tired of dealing with no one understanding his unique gifts.

Talking to him about how he felt was difficult, and she feared he’d have little opportunity to shine in their town. She needed to get him out, show him what life could be like, but she didn’t have the means or the free hours. She had to work just to pay the bills and put aside inadequate savings.

Her hands on the steering wheel, she stared out at the late spring darkness. She wanted to do better for her and her brother. She just wasn’t sure how.

Josie started the car and headed to the diner, her mind full.

Whenever she faced hard times, which was a lot these days, recollections of her youth came back to her, as if her mind were stacking up all the experiences that had led to where she was now. It didn’t help. Remembering only made her more exhausted.

One memory floated to the surface without warning. She tried to push it away as she drove, but the thought was relentless. Five years old and barefoot—the way she had spent every summer as a child—she’d taken the shortcut from her friend Ruth’s through the thicket to get back to the house nestled in the mountains where Josie lived with her parents.

“Head home when the lightning bugs come out,” her mother had always told her.

With only her father at home that night, Josie had gotten an early start so she wouldn’t worry him. Mama was at the hospital for some tests for her blood pressure and to check on her headaches, and she would soon bring home Josie’s new baby brother.

For weeks, up until the day Mama had gone to the hospital, she’d practiced taking care of babies with Josie. They’d worked on pinning cloth diapers correctly using Josie’s dolls, and Mama had shown her just how to hold the baby’s head to support its neck. Josie couldn’t wait to have a younger brother to look after. Mama had told her she’d make a wonderful mother one day, which was good because that was exactly what Josie had wanted to be.

On her way home that evening the sun was barely visible, its pink-and-orange light outlining the valleys before it disappeared behind the mountains—the time of day Mama called “the golden hour.” Josie had stopped at a nearby creek to sink her feet in the cool stream, then bent down to pick up a rock with a silver stripe that had caught her eye. Deciding to take it home to draw it, she’d washed off the rock then dried it on her tattered sundress. The cicadas had started croaking, so she’d quickly dropped the rock in her pocket and hopped onto the bank. Careful of loose gravel, she’d continued down the path toward home, thinking about what she could try to make for herself and Daddy for dinner. Being only five, Josie wasn’t allowed to use the stove, and she’d wondered how she would fry thetomatoes she was planning to cook.

She’d made it past the thicket, across the meadow, and all the way to the edge of the yard before Mama’s golden hour had ended. Proud of herself for getting home so quickly, she’d bounded through the grass as fast as her bare feet could take her and stopped when she reached her father sitting hunched on the steps leading to thedoor.

“Hi, Daddy,” she’d said.

But something wasn’t the same about Daddy. When he lifted his head from his hands, his eyes were swollen and red, and Josie wondered if he was having an allergic reaction like she had once when she’d eaten peanuts. He reached out for her and drew her into a tight embrace, and she decided she could comfort him the way Mama had comforted her when she’d had the allergy.

That hour had been anything but golden. It had been the first step toward the life Josie was now living as an adult. She’d had no idea back then how much everything would change. At a very young age, she’d had to learn about conditions like eclampsia and cerebral hemorrhage. She’d also had to understand how to live without her mother.

Now, one hand on the wheel, the other in her pocket as she drove, she ran her fingers over the jagged hinges of her father’s old compass, which she carried with her everywhere. The brass cover had been lost, leaving the two broken hinges on the edge. He’d told her he wasn’t given permission by his parents to follow his dreams, so he wanted the compass to be a reminder for her to follow her heart and to let it lead her to her brightest future.

But she didn’t believe anything could lead her there anymore. She doubted the magnetic needle would point anywhere but the place she was now. However, the compass was the only token she had of her dad’s, besides the old mountain house he’d left behind, so she carried the circular object around to feel closer to him. She let it fall to the bottom of her wide shirt pocket and made the final turn to work.

Every day Josie made the same six-minute drive through theTennessee mountains from her house in Lox Creek to the diner on the edge of town. When she arrived for the breakfast shift, she parked next to the trash bins around back.

Josie went in through the single door to the kitchen and said hello to the cooks before she put her lunch bag in the refrigerator next to thecollection of salad dressing jars, then headed to the break room. She liked going in there early to skirt around having to chat with the other waitresses when they came in. She used to know most of them in school, and a few years ago she probably would have fallen right into their chatter, but now it seemed unnecessary. She stole a few extra minutes for herself and tied up her long brown hair using the cloudy mirror on the wall. Then she put on her apron—a thin, denim smock with her name in simple black type pinned above her left breast.

The rest of the day was spent taking orders, putting on her most pleasant smile, and pretending everything was easy and fine, which it certainly wasn’t. But she didn’t allow her troubles to permeate her work.

When she was only twenty, she’d been tasked with this life; Nick depended on her—and would for a few more years at least—so she’d done everything she could to make the best of the situation. Forced optimism was what got her through. She told herself she was lucky in a lot of ways: she was healthy, she had a job that generally paid the bills, and she had her tiny family of two—just her and Nick. They had each other.

“Hey there,” fellow waitress Ruth Swanson said in her usual detached tone as she came into the break room like a whirlwind. Her body language and disheveled appearance gave away the fact that she’d probably overslept. Again.

Josie finished tying her apron behind her back. “Morning.”

Ruth gave her a side-eyed glance while putting her own apron on in a flash. It was a far cry from their giggles on the teeter-totter at school when they were girls. Ruth had been one of Josie’s friends growing up, but now they barely spoke. Ever since Josie had returned home after quitting college, Ruth had been distant, and Josie wasn’t sure why. She guessed maybe Ruth thought Josie had gone off in search of something better, and left her behind. But she’d just been trying to do the best she could for herself and follow her dad’s advice to go wherever her inner compass led her. She’d never imagined this job would be the height of her career.

Josie went over to her morning station and set in rolling silverware in paper napkins and dropping the bundled cutlery into the large bin thewaitresses used to set the tables quickly between groups.

“It goes knife, fork, then spoon,” Helen had told Josie on her first day there. “The knife should be on the bottom because it’s thelongest.” Helen’s instructions had faded away as the days went by and Josie plunged into her thoughts, something she did a lot.

Ruth passed her and headed into the dining area. She didn’t know what Josie was dealing with these days because Josie hadn’t had time to tell her—or anyone for that matter. Sure, there were whispers around town about “that poor girl and her brother who’d lost everything,” but none of them really knew entirely what she’d lost. She didn’t let herself indulge in the memory of it too often because the what-if was more than she could bear.

Jenny Hale is a USA Today and international bestselling author of romantic contemporary fiction. Her books have sold over a million copies worldwide, have been translated into multiple languages, and adapted for television. Her novels Coming Home for Christmas and Movie Guide Epiphany Award winner Christmas Wishes and Mistletoe Kisses are Hallmark Channel original movies. She was included in Oprah Magazine’s “19 Dreamy Summer Romances to Whisk You Away” and both Southern Living’s “30 Christmas Novels to Start Reading Now” as well as “Beach Reads Perfect for Summer” in 2020 as well as 2023. Her stories are chock-full of feel-good romance and overflowing with warm settings, great friends, and family. Jenny is at work on her next novel, delighted to be bringing even more heartwarming stories to her readers. When she isn’t writing or heading up her romantic fiction imprint Harpeth Road, she can be found running around her hometown of Nashville with her husband, two boys, and their labradoodle, taking pictures—her favorite pastime.

A Note:

Jenny is available for speaking engagements, interviews, and appearances. She also loves speaking with book clubs and writer groups via video chat or in person (distance and schedule permitting).

Contact Info:


The Golden Hour

Written By Jenny Hale

Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Jenny Hale and Harpeth Road Press for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. 

The Golden Hour is a very beautiful written book by Jenny Hale that will have you smiling! With each book Jenny writes you can just tell she puts her whole heart and soul into writing her books. Out of all the books she has written, this one is one of my favorites. 

Kristen Ingebretson is an incredibly talented cover designer that created Jenny’s beautiful cover. This cover is truly breathtaking! 

The Golden Hour concentrates on family and finding yourself after tragedies. 

Jenny with the help of Amy Nielsen created an amazing character with autism by the name of Nick. Nick pulled on all of my heartstrings seeing him mature throughout the storyline. 

Math was always my worst subject in school and to this day still is. Nick totally impressed me with his passion for numbers and how brilliant in solving mathematical equations he was. 

I loved some of the unique names that Jenny created. I kept thinking of Zelda the Nintendo game from back in the day. Plus, Rainy was a very unique character. 

There were definitely some wicked twists and turns I never saw coming. However, after the secrets were revealed it was all made since. 

Apr 30, 2024

#BookReview #SingleDadSeekingLove #NovaFlynn #LGTBQ+


Single Dad Seeking Love by Nova Flynn

A spicy MM, enemies to lovers, second chance romance set on a campsite on the north coast of Northern Ireland.

Publication date: 8th May 2024

Available through Amazon in paperback, ebook and KindleUnlimited 

Note: This novella was first published in 2023 as part of the Twisted Tropes anthology. The new 2024 version contains two bonus chapters and general edits.



Love strikes where you least expect it

My marriage is over, my wife has moved on with another man. I’m lost, lonely. I long for a second chance at love, to have someone to care for again. But how will I find someone, isolated on a remote campsite? Sweet Julie is too young and too innocent. More importantly, her older brother, Trevor, watches my every move; his gaze burns holes into my cracked and desperate soul. Am I too broken to care for someone else? Or am I the one who needs to be taken care of? And can that person be a hunky, blue eyed farmer? A man who loves to call me ‘boy’


About Nova Flynn

Nova Flynn is a writer of forbidden romance with a lot of steam. Based in Northern Ireland, you’ll most likely find her in the hot tub with her husband, gazing up at the sky while plotting love drama. She loves all kind of romance, but has a soft heart for stories that don’t involve Lamborghinis or Louboutins – the settings of her own books cover trailer parks and camping sites. Nova would call herself a reader first and a writer second. In fact, she never aspired to be a writer; she pinches herself on a daily basis knowing that her stories, daydreams that have featured in her head all her life, have found a new home on paper, where they are shared with you.



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Books by Nova Flynn:

Can’t Look Away - a dark forbidden romance

My Boyfriend’s Daddy - a forbidden romance  

My Dirty Guardian - a forbidden romance


Nova’s other pen name is Simone Blue. Simone adds a bit more spice to the romance – some of her books are pure spice… Books by Simone Blue:

Innocent Revenge – a spicy age gap romance

Hot Revenge - a pregnant by stepdad dark erotica

The Maid’s Chores - five erotic stories

The Delivery Guy Delivers - four erotic stories

Single Dad Seeking Love 
Written by Nova Flynn
Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews 

First, I want to thank Nova Flynn for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review. 

WOW!!! I have read my share of LGTBQ+ books in the past but Nova Flynn’s Single Dad Seeking Love is one of my ultimate favorites! It was a beautifully written story that had me smiling and giggling at times. 

Oh we need to talk about the beautiful  cover designed by Nova Flynn and created by Shutterstock. WOW! Now that is a hot body that will capture the attention of its readers! Great job! 

Nova mentions before you start the book that this is for adult eyes only. There are graphic descriptions of sexual acts between two men. If this is not your cup of tea then maybe this book is not for you. 

This is a very fast paced addictive quick read that can be devoured in one sitting. Then again I was glued to my Kindle and couldn’t stop reading. 

I absolutely loved how Single Dad Seeking Love was set at a camping/glamping site with farm animals. It made for a lot of cute and fun scenes. 

Cute little Adam captured my heart instantly! He was the sweetest, caring, most adorable and full of life! 

Single Dad Seeking Love is a beautiful story about finding out who you really are, accepting it, and living your best life! This is a story many can probably relate to in one way or another. 

Nova does an amazing job building up to the sexual scenes and writes them beautifully. 

Thank you to Nova’s sister-in-law who put the spark into writing Jamie’s story! 

This book was originally put into Aimee Walker’s Twisted Tropes  Anthology. 

Apr 28, 2024

#BookReview #ForgivingParis #KarenKingsbury #AtriaBooks


The #1 New York Times bestselling author of life-changing fiction brings her signature “emotional, heart-tugging” (Woman’s World) prose to this wise and worldly novel of forgiveness and hope in the City of Lights.

In Indiana, Ashley Baxter Blake and her husband are about to take an anniversary trip to Paris, but she is hesitant. More than two decades ago, she made her most grievous mistake in that same city. She has never forgiven herself for what happened there, and she still harbors secrets that she’s afraid will come to light. Just before the trip, Ashley gets a call from her niece. Jessie explains that her French boyfriend’s mother remembers working at a bakery with an American named Ashley. “Could that be you?” 

When Alice and Ashley meet, a flood of memories comes for both women, taking Ashley back to a reckless affair and an unexpected pregnancy and Alice to the night she nearly ended it all. Can this reunion bring healing and closure? Maybe it is finally time for Ashley to forgive herself...and Paris 

Book Trailer

Karen Kingsbury, #1 New York Times bestselling novelist, is America’s favorite inspirational storyteller, with more than twenty-five million copies of her award-winning books in print. Her last dozen titles have topped bestseller lists and many of her novels are under development with Hallmark Films and as major motion pictures. Her Baxter Family books are being developed into a TV series slated for major network viewing sometime in the next year. Karen is also an adjunct professor of writing at Liberty University. In 2001 she and her husband, Don, adopted three boys from Haiti, doubling their family in a matter of months. Today the couple has joined the ranks of empty-nesters, living in Tennessee near five of their adult children.

Forgiving Paris
Written By Karen Kingsbury
Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank the Buffalo and Erie County Library for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. 

This book is a must read if you saw The Baxter’s on Prime Video and wondered what really happened to Ashley in Paris . If you are like me you needed to rush out to your local library and scoop up all her books! I was dying to know what really happened in Paris that the show didn’t elaborate on! Not only did I find out what happened, I learned so much more. 

If this is your first time reading Karen’s book no worries this is a standalone book. She does a great job explaining the Baxter family's characters and their backstory. 

For those who have read prior books or saw the tv series this will just be a good refresher.

This is my second book that I have read from Karen after seeing the tv series. It was good to catch up with the characters and see where they were today. Not only that but it was good to meet some of the character’s kids. 

Forgiving Paris started out so incredibly intense that I was sucked in instantly and could not put my book down! It was a very emotional introduction to the characters and the storyline. I was literally blown away by the scenes. 

The scene where John was reading back some letters written to Ashley was just beautiful! Not to mention the other surprise he found was so bittersweet. Tears welled up inside. 

 I loved when all the kids got together to share their backstory with one another. Some of them were very interesting. 

Karen taught me a few things about the history of the Eiffel Tower that I never knew prior to reading this book. 

The ending is filled with some shocking moments that I never saw coming. 

Karen has included some discussion questions at the end of this book that would be great for book club. 

Apr 27, 2024

#BookBlitz #Excerpt #IfYouLovedMe #BriannaRemus #XpressoTours


If You Loved Me
Brianna Remus
Publication date: April 26th 2024
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance

My parents would lose their minds if they found out their precious daughter lost her virginity to the town’s notorious bad boy and ex-convict.

Ranger Adams might have been a dangerous pariah after he was released from prison, but he was the only man I wanted. And after I convinced him to take me on a date, I got exactly what my body…and heart desired.

I spent my entire life trying to get away from my parents’ overbearing grasp. They’ve tried to control every part of my life, even down to the man I was supposed to marry. That was the price of being born into one of the South’s richest families.

The second I had a chance to get away, I did. Ten years of pissing them off and making my dreams come true was worth the sacrifice. No fun. No relationships. And no sex.

My life had been all work until Ranger came back into town. Everyone whispered about what he’d done to land in prison. But I didn’t care.

He was rough around the edges, wild, and free.

And I wanted every bit of what he was willing to give me.

Goodreads / Amazon


“Ranger,” she breathed, my name was a prayer on her lips.

I let her wrist go and reached down to pick her up. My heartbeat pounded in my ears as she kissed me, opening up fully and dipping her tongue into my mouth. She was so warm and sweet. Her little moans vibrated against my tongue making me want her mouth on another part of me.

I settled us on the couch and watched as she leaned back, threading her fingers through my hair. “I love that you have long hair.”

“Oh yeah?” I asked before bringing my thumb to her lower lip wondering what it might feel like to run the head of my cock over it.

Her tongue darted out between her lips and she took my thumb in her mouth, her cheeks hollowed as she sucked. “Mmhmm,” she mused. “It’ll make it easier to keep your head in place when it’s between my legs.”

My cock jolted. I yanked my thumb from her mouth and snagged her bottom lip between my teeth, suckling it with my tongue and lips before letting it go with a pop. When I smacked her ass, she ground her hips into me, another moan slipping out of her mouth. “You won’t have to keep me anywhere, babe. I’ll gladly feast on your sweetness for the rest of my fucking life.”

Her lids fluttered, eyes dazed with lust. “But what if I want to be the one to taste you?”

Fuck. Me.

Grabbing the back of her neck, I brought her closer so I could whisper in her ear, “You wanna taste me?”

Tendrils of her hair tickled my cheek as she nodded.

“Then let me give my girl what she wants.” I lifted her off me and stood before her. The fear I’d seen in her eyes before was gone. Erased with the heady need we felt for one another and I was thankful for it. This I could do. Watching her eyes trace my body as I unbuckled my belt and undid my jeans. Seeing her in pain had been too much for me to bear. My chest had felt like it was caving in.

But this. Just the two of us together. This I could do all fucking night. Hell. All day and night.

Her breathing quickened as her eyes darted to where my fingers slid under the edge of my boxers. “You’re sure?” I asked.

Those molten eyes looked back up at me. “Yes, I’m sure.”

With her permission, I hooked my thumbs into the band of my boxers and pulled them down. My cock was heavy, pulsing upward as she took me in.

She swallowed. “I’ve never done this before, Ranger.” Those beautiful eyes I loved so much were wary like I might flee from her admission. What she didn’t know was that I didn’t give a shit about her being experienced. I only wanted her.

“We’ll take it slow. Whatever you don’t want to do, just tell me, okay?”

She nodded again as I grabbed her hand and sat back down on the couch.

“Kneel,” I commanded and I watched as she lowered herself to her knees.

“Good girl.” Seeing her kneel between my legs nearly had me seeing stars from how much my dick throbbed. Dark eyelashes fanned over her cheekbones when she looked down at my length.

Author Bio:

Brianna Remus is a Florida-based author who lives with her husband, three pups, and terrorizing cat. She started her writing journey in 2016 to ward off the woes of graduate school. The light-hearted hobby quickly turned into a passion filled dream that consistently distracts her from the real world.

When Brianna isn't working as a psychology resident or writing books, you can find her getting lost in the worlds created by others (through writing and movies), spending a day at the ocean, or taking a walk in the forest. She loves to spend her days outdoors surrounded by the beauties of nature.

A true Tolkien nerd, she also spends a lot of her time immersed in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, as well as praying that Amazon doesn't completely fuck up the new LOTR series.

Website / Goodreads / Instagram / TikTok / Bookbub

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Apr 23, 2024

#BooksonTour #ThreeDrownedGirls #OneLiarLeft #DetectiveFreyaSinclairSeries #EmilyShiner #Bookouture #NetGalley


Three Drowned Girls:

When Freya Sinclair was a little girl, she had no idea what her parents were hiding in the basement of her childhood home…

After five years away from her hometown of Fawn Lake, 
Detective Freya Sinclair isn’t expecting a warm welcome from the people she’s sworn to protect. She became a detective to bring serial killers like her parents to justice, but the tight-knit North Carolinian community can’t see past her twisted roots.

Minutes after stepping foot back home, the body of a dark-haired young girl is pulled from the river and Freya races to the scene. She’s determined to identify the child and finally prove herself, but before Freya even has a chance to search through missing persons, another girl is reported missing.

Freya’s heart breaks at the sight of little Isa’s blonde ringlets and pristine soccer uniform in the photo her father clutches, but the look on his face says he doesn’t trust Freya. Does he think she’s just like her parents, or does he have a sinister secret of his own?

But when another innocent girl is found drowned, Freya finds a white hair ribbon snagged on a branch, and instantly recognizes it as part of the soccer team uniform at the local school…

Two drowned girls. One daughter still missing. Can Freya save Isa before she becomes the third victim? Or has the killer already set their sights on Freya next?

The first in a new, totally gripping serial-killer thriller series by Amazon bestselling author EmilyShiner. Fans of Melinda Leigh, Mary Stone and Elle Gray won’t be able to put this down!
Buy Link:
Three Drowned Girls:

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Three Drowned Girls

Detective Freya Sinclair Book 1

Written By Emily Shiner

Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews 

First, I want to thank Emily Shiner, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review. 

DANG!!! Emily Shiner’s latest psychological thriller Three Drowned Girls reads like an episode of Law and Order SVU!! That is a huge compliment as that is one of my favorite shows!! Three Drowned Girls was fast paced, insanely addicting, very detailed in descriptions, intense, and so very twisted! This book is book 1 in the Detective Freya Sinclair series and deserves way more than 5 stars! I can’t wait to see if the next book in the series is as good. Stay tuned for my review for that one. 

WOW! Emily wasted no time and jumped into her intense, powerful and jaw dropping storyline. She totally blew me away with this book. I have been a fan of hers for a while now and can say with each book she comes out with gets better and better. This one has to be my favorite. 

Not only did this book read like an episode of Law and Order but it could also be a storyline ripped from the headlines as well. This is one book that I would absolutely binge watch on Netflix if it ever made its way there. 

All character names were totally unique as was this storyline. I did have to giggle at two musical artists' names thrown in as a character. 

There were parts of this book that pulled on my heartstrings and were totally heartbreaking! Oh and many times I found myself yelling OMG at my Kindle. Oh there were dark twisted secrets and revelations I just can’t get out of my head. 

Emily brought light to some very important topics within her storyline. 

There was one aspect of the storyline in which I wish was elaborated upon. I didn’t feel like I got the answers as to why Freya moved away and her past. I am hoping in the next book we will get our answers. 

Three Drowned Girls will be a book that every reader will be talking about! So what are you waiting for? Go out and get it and put it on the top of your TBR list! You will thank me later! 

One Liar Left:

The one killer Detective Freya Sinclair never caught is back…

High up in the mountains of Clear Creek Forest, where mist clings to the pines, the bodies of Millie Woodward and Jolie Marin are discovered by their fading campfire. Could this be the work of the notorious Fawn Lake Killer? This forest was once his hunting ground. And 
Freya knows the tattered, red woolen scarf wound tightly around Jolie’s neck is hiding his chilling MO. Her throat has been cut.

The one case Freya has never solved has haunted her for years. She knows the Fawn Lake Killer is organized, that he never leaves any DNA. But why did he stop, and why has he resurfaced now? Before she can even search the forest, Freya makes a heart-breaking discovery in her own backyard: the body of Annaliese Nowland, her long blonde hair fanned out in the tall grass. Annaliese’s tongue is missing. Freya knows it’s a message: he’s silencing these women. And taunting Freya.

Working day and night to make a connection, Freya finally uncovers the missing puzzle piece: a photograph of all three victims in high school together. But there’s a fourth woman in the photo, her face turned slightly away from the camera. Freya must track her down before it is too late.

Freya won’t let the past repeat itself. Did these women die because of her failure, or is she overlooking a vital clue that points to someone close to home? Freya must face her demons if she’s going to stop this predator taking another innocent life. 
But he’s one step ahead. And he’s coming for her…

An unputdownable mystery thriller perfect for fans of Melinda Leigh, Rachel McLean and Mary Stone. Prepare to sleep with the lights on!

One Liar Left
Detective Freya Sinclair Book 2
Written By Emily Shiner
Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Emily Shiner, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. 

Emily Shiner is back with her second book in The Detective Freya Sinclair Series called One Liar Left. Even though this is part of a series I found that it can be read as a standalone book. However, reading the first book in the series will give you a better sense of the characters and backstory. 

In One Liar Left we get the pleasure of being reunited by Freya, Candy, Ester and Brad to catch up. 

Like Three Drowned Girls One Liar Left is fast paced, addictive, secrets, twists and turns as well as shocking revelations. However, in this book there were some detailed descriptions of graphic scenes. I can’t imagine seeing a dead body let alone one with their tongue cut off or their ear bit off (visions of Alexander Holyfield danced in my head).

I really liked the bond that Ester and Freya had and how they were always looking out for each other. 

Emily made me smile by including a character’s name Courtney as that is my sister’s name. 

I really enjoyed the mystery and investigation into who killed the two girls. I can’t imagine how hard it is for Freya and Candy to give out such sad news to the family. 

Emily Shiner always dreamed of becoming an author. After spending years devouring stacks of thrillers, she decided to try her hand at writing them herself. Now she gets to live out her dream of writing novels and sharing her stories with people around the world. She lives in the Appalachian Mountains and loves hiking with her husband, daughter, and their two dogs.

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews ( Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews