Title: Chancing Ash
Series: Elite Fitness Studios Series
Author: Tina Skay
Genre: Second Chance steamy contemporary romance
Just when Roya thinks keeping her virginity intact is all she has to worry about when dealing with her clients, she’s assigned to a wealthy anonymous one. Wondering who this mysterious man is and why he’s requested her specifically, she goes for their first training session. She runs out of his mansion when she finds out the man is Ash, her fiancé she ran away from two years ago. Pleading with her boss to cancel the contract proves futile. Roya feels trapped. She knows Ash wants her back, not just as his trainer, but his wife and then she has to tell him the secret she’s kept from everyone for two years. Should she tell him the truth and watch his love turn to hate?
Book two in the Elite Fitness Studios Series, Chancing Ash is a standalone novel with no cheating and guaranteed HEA.
Buy Link: Kindle Unlimited
Amazon Universal: https://mybook.to/ChancingAsh
Chancing Ash
Written By Tina Skay
Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews
First, I want to thank Tina Skay and Enticing Journey Productions for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.
Oh how I absolutely adored reading about Roya’s and Ash’s story in Tina Skay’s new book Chancing Ash! This was my first time reading one of her books and I was impressed! It was a short fast paced read that you could devour in one sitting. In fact that is just what I did.
The cover graphics caught my attention along with the unique title of the book.
It has been a while but I can definitely confirm that Ash is my book boyfriend! I loved his character, his storyline, how he met and fell in love with Roya, and what he did to better himself to get her.
Ash’s Mom I was not a fan of at all. She was putting way too much pressure on Roya to be someone that she was not. I felt all the emotions that Roya felt with this situation.
Tina throws in some spicy scenes here and there that are tastefully done.