Feb 27, 2021

#BookReview #INOTBuddy #KameoMonson

After being abandoned by her husband, can Kat find it in herself to love again?

Three years after being abandoned by her then-husband, Kat works at the middle school across the street from her son's elementary school. It’s the perfect place to care for Joey while giving him space. Still, first grade and autism have their struggles. Meltdowns, food aversions, and above all, potty-training woes leave the school on edge and Kat with plenty to do.

As she continues fighting for Joey, the handsome new vice principal at work battles his way toward her heart, even after an unexpected visitor shows up on his doorstep. But Kat swears she only has space in her life for Joey.

#BooksonTour #ThePrettyOne #ClareBoyd #Bookouture #NetGalley

 Nell is the perfect child; more beautiful and more likeable and more loveable than me. If my pretty little sister never came home again, I’d finally be free from the terrible secret we share…


Anna is a wonderful mother. She gave up a career she loved to stay home with her children and her kind, polite daughters, Nell and Ivy, are a credit to her. As is Bay, her stepdaughter, whom Anna adores as much as her own two girls. But everything changes the day Anna’s middle daughter’s beauty catches the eye of a stranger in a café…


Quiet, sensitive Nell doesn’t want to have her face on a billboard for all to see. But she knows her family desperately needs the money, and perhaps it would be nice to have her mother’s full attention for the first time since Bay arrived? Could this be the escape from her stepsister’s twisted games Nell has been longing for?

#CoverReveal #AChanceEncounter #RaeShaw #RachelsRandomResources

A Chance Encounter

Publication Date: 24th March

Julianna Baptiste, a feisty bodyguard, finds her new job tedious, that is until her boss, the evasive Jackson Haynes, spikes her curiosity. Who is behind the vicious threats to his beautiful wife and why is he interested in two estranged siblings?

Mark works for Haynes’s vast company. He’s hiding from ruthless money launderers.

His teenage sister Ellen has an online friend whom she has never met. Ellen guards a terrible secret.

For eight years their duplicitous father has languished in prison, claiming he is innocent of murder. The evidence against him is overwhelming, so why does Mark persist with an appeal?

Keen to prove her potential as an investigator, Julianna forces Mark to confront his mistakes. The consequences will put all their lives in danger.

Trailer - https://youtu.be/g2U11opEcqs

UK - https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08X1PN4VH

US - https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08X1PN4VH

Feb 26, 2021

#BooksonTour #TheGirlInTheMissingPoster #BarbaraCopperthwaite #Bookouture #NetGalley

24 June, 1994 – Nineteen-year-old Leila Hawkins runs from her father’s birthday party into the stormy night wearing her sister Stella’s long red coat. Some say she was crying, others swear they saw her get into a passing car. Nobody ever saw her again.


Present – This time every year, on the anniversary of that fateful night, Stella decorates the small seaside town she grew up in with pictures of her beautiful missing sister. But after twenty-five years, is it even worth hoping someone will come forward? Perhaps the upcoming documentary will spark people’s memories by reuniting all the guests who were there the night Leila went missing.


As old friends gather and long-buried secrets begin to surface, the last thing Stella ever expects is a direct response from someone claiming they took Leila. They want private details of Stella’s life in return for answers. But as the true events of the night of the party play out once again, who is lying? And who is next?

Feb 25, 2021

#BookBlitz #TheFirstMan #AlexKelly #XpressoTours


The First Man
Alex Kelly
(From Connemara With Love #2)
Publication date: February 25th 2021
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance


Do you want to know what it means to live like me?
It means being forced not to look at him, not to touch him, not to be left alone in the same room as him.
Not to seek him out. Not to want him.
Not to love him.
Do you know how it feels to spend your entire life pretending to be someone else? Do you know what it’s like to love someone who doesn’t want to be loved?
I’ll tell you how it feels.
It feels as if you’re living in constant torment: you know which path you should follow, but you also know that, if you follow that path, you can never turn back.
And I can’t do that to him.
Every day I come back, because I know that he’s waiting

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews