Jun 29, 2024

#BooksonTour #InTheBlinkofanEye #KateHewitt #Bookouture #NetGalley


It only took a moment for everything to go wrong. A little girl is hurt, but who is to blame?

I’m so happy as I walk to pick up my seven-year-old son from the birthday party. It’s his first since we moved here, and I know he’s found it hard settling in. Just as I’ve found it hard to make friends among the mothers at the school gates. But as I turn the corner, my heart stops when I see an ambulance.

I start to run. 
My son, is all I can think. I have to find my son.

As I race into the garden, desperately searching for my blue-eyed little boy, a fellow parent turns to me, her finger pointed. The words out of her mouth make my blood run cold.

Your son did this. This is your fault.”

Surely that can’t be true? My son can be difficult, but I’d know if he was capable of hurting someone… Wouldn’t I?

As a little girl is lifted onto a stretcher, I feel my world come crashing down. My heart cracks in two for this poor child, her devastated family. Because there’s no coming back from this. An innocent girl has been hurt. My son is being blamed. 
But I’m his mother, and I’ll do whatever it takes to find out what really happened…

A totally gripping and emotional novel about trust, female friendship and betrayal. Perfect for fans of Jodi Picoult, Liane Moriarty and Susan Lewis.
Kate Hewitt is the author of many romance and women’s fiction novels. A former New Yorker and now an American ex-pat, she lives in a small town on the Welsh border with her husband, five children, and their overly affectionate Golden Retriever. Whatever the genre, she enjoys telling stories that tackle real issues and touch people’s lives.


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In The Blink Of An Eye 

Written By Kate Hewitt 

Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Kate Hewitt, Bookouture, and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review.

WOW!!! Kate Hewitt is known for her well written stories that pulls on your heartstrings. However, this time around she surprised me and did something a little bit different. She actually went a little darker than she usually does and I Liked that side of her! It made for a very interesting read. 

I will admit the book wasn't as fast paced in the beginning as I usually liked. However when it did pick up I sped through the book no problem. 

Kate educated her readers with such important medical conditions such as being a sociopath, conduct disorder, bullying, harassment, ADHD, ADD, and PDD.  

#TeamKieren. All the way!! He was the one that pulled hard on my heartstrings the most. My heart went out to him for all that he was being accused of, how he was being treated, 

I can’t imagine being a parent and the horror of finding your child the way they did! It was truly a shocking and heartbreaking scene! 

There were a lot of wicked twists and turns and some shocking moments as well. 

Overall it is a great read. If you are a fan of Kate’s book you need to pick this one up. 

Jun 28, 2024

#BooksonTour #TheTakenChild #MariaFrankland #Bookouture #NetGalley


As I race towards the lake, Toby's life unfolds before me, from the day he entered this world to his first day at school. Please let me find him. I’ll do anything. But my sweet little boy is nowhere to be seen.

It kills me that the only way I can spend proper time with my son 
Toby is by helping out at his school camp. I sit under the emerald green pine trees and Toby’s little face lights up as he runs past me, joining the other chattering, happy children around us. Then I see my ex, David, glaring at me and my heart sinks. He may have full custody, but he’d love nothing more than for me to disappear. Forever.

As the excitement of the first day at this isolated camp dies down, I cherish the long goodnight hug I get to give to my beautiful little boy. I’d do 
anything to get Toby back.

But my dreams for us are shattered when the next morning ends in shock and chaos. 
A body has been found. There’s a killer in the camp. We can’t trust anyone. And then my worst nightmares come true: Toby disappears.

Does the killer have my child? I’ve already come so far to protect Toby. 
How much further will I have to go, to get him back safe and sound?

Perfect for fans of Mark Edwards, T.M. Logan and Freida McFadden, this is a totally gripping and page-turning psychological thriller packed with incredible twists.

 Maria Frankland has a dubious internet search history and a very worried mother-in-law. However, neither of these things can stop her writing gripping psychological thrillers in which you’ll never find a happy-ever-after.

Her novels are mostly set in Yorkshire where you’ll hear the accent through all her characters. These are people you could live next door to, or closer still… don’t say you haven’t been warned.

Maria’s novels are fast-paced, down to earth and realistic. You never know what’s around the corner…

Find out more about Maria at www.mariafrankland.co.uk. Whilst you’re there, you can download your free novella – The Brother-in-Law. Happy reading!

Author Social Media Links

The Taken Child 
Written By Maria Frankland 
Reviewed By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Maria Frankland, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. 

DANG!! The Taken Child seriously read like nail biting bingable true crime series on Netflix that you can’t stop watching! WOW!! Maria Frankland is one talented storyteller that is for sure!! If you are a fan of true crime, mystery, suspense, missing persons, police procedural, then this is the book for you! 

Maria would like to dedicate this book to her gorgeous niece Thea, who gave her the inspiration for the story. 

What hooked me first was the scene of the book where the students were going on a school trip and being chaperoned. The three chaperones all knew each other and their backstories were very interesting to today’s present drama. 

What I found quite interesting  is that at the end of each chapter there was an eerie saying in bold typed letters. Each one seemed to get darker and darker as they went on. 

In between the story there are breaks where we chapters about the investigation by Di Gilbert filling us in on all the latest. 

This book had a lot of twist and turns, secrets galore, and shocking revelations. 

I will say that it was not as fast paced as I like my stories to be and it took me a while to get into the storyline. 


Jun 23, 2024

#BookReview #MyFirstPonytail #ColleenFitzBudniewski #NickNapierala #LGTBQ+ #ChildrensBook #ImagineWePublishers


Stephanie knew from the moment she could speak and express herself that she was a girl, but it took some time for the world to see that. Her family made sure she knew she would always be supported no matter what. She teaches everyone that you're never too young to know who you truly are and an important lesson on acceptance and understanding for all.

The inspiration of My First Ponytail came from my daughter and her lived experience. When we became parents, we never would have thought this is what our lives would look like, but we wouldn't change it for the world. We have and will always be her biggest supporters and advocates. Representation matters, especially in children who are a part of the LGBTQ community. When they can see themselves in a book, they can see that they are not alone. My goal in life is to make sure every child knows they are seen, they are heard, and they are loved

Currently, our book is available on ImagineWe Publishers website, Amazon, Walmart's online website, and bookstores that work with Ingram.

In stores, it is currently on shelves in Talking Leaves Bookstore in Buffalo, and The Bookworm & BW Gifts in East Aurora. I am in talks with Dog Ears bookstore in South Buffalo, and Merit Badge Books in Hamburg. 

My First Ponytail 
Written By Colleen Fitz Budniewski
Illustrated By Nick Napierala 
Reviewed By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Colleen Fritz Budniewski, Nick Napierala, and ImagineWe Publishers for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review. 

WOW!! Can you believe that Pride month is almost over? It went so quickly! Before it ends I need to highly recommend a LGTBQ+ Children’s Book My First Ponytail. It is written by Colleen Fritz Budniewski and illustrated by Nick Napierala who are both WNY. It is an extremely beautiful book written from Colleen’s heart with a very important message for both children and adults. 

Colleen would like to dedicate this book to all transgender and nonbinary youth. She also thanks CK for allowing them to support you on your beautiful journey.

Nick is a phenomenal artist whose illustrations are filled with fun bold colors. Together with Colleen’s storyline these two make this story come to life. 

I couldn't agree more on how Colleen states not judging a book by its cover! 

Colleen had me cracking up laughing when her Funcle’s came over to help her try on wigs! They all looked like they were having so much fun! Their smiles in that picture were contagious! 

I loved how accepting, open and supportive all of her friends and family were through her journey. 

GLYS WNY is near and dear to Colleen’s heart. GLYS WNY builds affirming cultures and supportive communities for youth and all sexual orientation, gender identities, and gender expressions. 18% of all book royalties will be donated to GLYS WNY. 

Jun 21, 2024

#BooksonTour #TheOpenMarriage #VictoriaJenkins #Bookouture #NetGalley


Book: The Open Marriage
Author: Victoria Jenkins
Pub Day: June 21st 2024


About the Book: 

It was supposed to save us. It destroyed us.

My husband, 
Marcus, and I used to be so in love. But now, after ten years together, we barely talk. I’ve seen so many of our friends’ marriages end in divorce, and I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to stop that from happening to us.

And then I meet 
Erin. She tells me all about her perfect marriage to Kieran, and I’m shocked when she reveals the secret to their marital bliss—they have an open marriage. My heart starts to race as I consider it for me and Marcus. Could we really do this?

When Marcus cautiously agrees, I know it can’t be with strangers, and so I call Erin. She tells me there is only one rule: complete honesty. But when I meet Kieran, it doesn’t take long for me to break that rule. Soon this isn’t an open marriage, but an affair.

As I start to fall for Kieran, Marcus becomes the attentive husband I’ve been craving, and I’m soon full of regret. This was all an awful mistake and I swear to end it. But my blood runs cold when Erin is reported missing. Who is this couple I’ve entangled our life with? And as the police knock on my door, it’s much more than just my marriage that is now at stake…

For fans of Lisa Jewell, Gone Girl and The Housemaid, this is a psychological thriller with a twist you’ll never see coming.

 Victoria Jenkins lives with her husband and daughters in South Wales, where her bestselling series of crime novels featuring Detectives King and Lane is based. The first in the series, The Girls in the Water is a top 5 US kindle bestseller. She has an MA in Creative and Media Writing from the University of Wales, Swansea.

Since the King and Lane series, she has written ten standalone psychological thrillers.

The Open Marriage
Written By Victoria Jenkins 
Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Victoria Jenkins, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review. 

WOW!! When I found out Victoria Jenkins wrote a book with the title The Open Marriage and read the description I just knew I had to read it. I mean how can you not with that title right?With the title The Open Marriage I was a little disappointed at the lack of spice. Many may not agree with me but that concept could have gone a little farther than it did. 

If Louise said I’m fine one more time I was going to seriously scream!! She drove me absolutely bonkers!!

Victoria picked out the most unique out of the box names for her characters-I just loved them. 

 I enjoyed the book. It was fast paced, kept my attention, was a binge readable one sitting type book, and had a lot of wicked twists and turns to it. In fact the climax of the book I never in a million years saw coming. Oh so many ups and downs in this book! 

Victoria should really consider writing a follow up book to this one as there are a few open ended storylines that can be explored. That would be a fun read as well. 

Jun 18, 2024

#BlogTour #PromoPost #TeamSprit #RJGould #RachelsRandomResources


Team Spirit

Team Spirit: a humorous take on tennis club turmoil

Everything seems straightforward enough with agreement reached for the tennis club to hold social events at the nearby Dream Café while the clubhouse is being rebuilt.

When Oliver Kilroy is forced to resign as club chairman after taking a bribe from the builder, Laurie, his young and inexperienced deputy, is left in charge of running the club. He accepts the post on condition that the attractive Helen is prepared to support him as the new deputy.

The pair are faced with an unprecedented run of challenges. The builder is failing to deliver on time. A player’s dubious line calls are infuriating opponents. The WhatsApp group has become a hotbed of slanderous gossip. A middle-aged flirt is antagonising the female members. And poor behaviour at the Dream Café is threatening the agreement. 

Helen and Laurie are struggling to cope, though tennis club problems are a distant second for Helen as she attempts to start a relationship with Laurie. She’s sure he also wants that but something major is going on in his life to prevent progress. What is that something and can it be overcome?

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R J Gould writes contemporary fiction about relationships using a mix of wry humour and pathos to describe the tragi-comic life journeys of his protagonists. Team Spirit is his tenth novel and the fourth in the stand-alone ‘at the Dream Café’ series. He has been published by Headline Accent and Lume Books and also self-publishes. Before becoming a full-time author he worked in the education and charity sectors. In addition to his addiction to telling stories, he has somewhat milder addictions to playing tennis, watching film noir cinema, completing Wordle and eating dried mango slices. He is a member of Cambridge Writers, Society of Authors and the Romantic Novelists’ Association UK. He lives in Cambridge, England.

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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews