Jun 21, 2024

#BooksonTour #TheOpenMarriage #VictoriaJenkins #Bookouture #NetGalley


Book: The Open Marriage
Author: Victoria Jenkins
Pub Day: June 21st 2024


About the Book: 

It was supposed to save us. It destroyed us.

My husband, 
Marcus, and I used to be so in love. But now, after ten years together, we barely talk. I’ve seen so many of our friends’ marriages end in divorce, and I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to stop that from happening to us.

And then I meet 
Erin. She tells me all about her perfect marriage to Kieran, and I’m shocked when she reveals the secret to their marital bliss—they have an open marriage. My heart starts to race as I consider it for me and Marcus. Could we really do this?

When Marcus cautiously agrees, I know it can’t be with strangers, and so I call Erin. She tells me there is only one rule: complete honesty. But when I meet Kieran, it doesn’t take long for me to break that rule. Soon this isn’t an open marriage, but an affair.

As I start to fall for Kieran, Marcus becomes the attentive husband I’ve been craving, and I’m soon full of regret. This was all an awful mistake and I swear to end it. But my blood runs cold when Erin is reported missing. Who is this couple I’ve entangled our life with? And as the police knock on my door, it’s much more than just my marriage that is now at stake…

For fans of Lisa Jewell, Gone Girl and The Housemaid, this is a psychological thriller with a twist you’ll never see coming.

 Victoria Jenkins lives with her husband and daughters in South Wales, where her bestselling series of crime novels featuring Detectives King and Lane is based. The first in the series, The Girls in the Water is a top 5 US kindle bestseller. She has an MA in Creative and Media Writing from the University of Wales, Swansea.

Since the King and Lane series, she has written ten standalone psychological thrillers.

The Open Marriage
Written By Victoria Jenkins 
Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Victoria Jenkins, Bookouture and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review. 

WOW!! When I found out Victoria Jenkins wrote a book with the title The Open Marriage and read the description I just knew I had to read it. I mean how can you not with that title right?With the title The Open Marriage I was a little disappointed at the lack of spice. Many may not agree with me but that concept could have gone a little farther than it did. 

If Louise said I’m fine one more time I was going to seriously scream!! She drove me absolutely bonkers!!

Victoria picked out the most unique out of the box names for her characters-I just loved them. 

 I enjoyed the book. It was fast paced, kept my attention, was a binge readable one sitting type book, and had a lot of wicked twists and turns to it. In fact the climax of the book I never in a million years saw coming. Oh so many ups and downs in this book! 

Victoria should really consider writing a follow up book to this one as there are a few open ended storylines that can be explored. That would be a fun read as well. 


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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews (heidilynnsbookreviews@gmail.com) Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews