Sep 22, 2024

#BookReview #ChildrensBook #SpacemanSam #Dartagnan #GreenleafBookGroupPress


Blast off with Spaceman Sam on an out-of-this-world adventure!

Sam has a special power that it seems few adults possess: imagination. He can turn the ordinary into the extraordinary, like a cardboard box into a spaceship that launches him into outer space and lets him race against aliens. But when Sam discovers that, by himself, he is unable to keep up with the alien teams he is competing against, Sam calls for his dad to join him on his mission, uncertain if Dad will be up to the task. To Sam’s delight they set off on an exciting journey unlike any other.

Spaceman Sam is a swashbuckling tale that teaches children about the bonds to be built and the fun to be had when they allow parents to copilot their imaginative adventures.'artagnan-17000500

About D'Artagnan

Named after the hero in The Three Musketeers, D'artagnan took the book's mantra "All for one and one for all" to heart. This Austin native received his bachelor's in animation from DePaul University, where he performed improv around Chicago. In an attempt to shape young minds and promote a more compassionate and enlightened world through different experiences, D'artagnan lives at the intersection of software engineering, hand-drawn animation, and children's literature. His convergence of art and technology is the canvas upon which he hopes to paint imaginative narratives and program solutions to help improve people's experiences.

Spaceman Sam

Written By Dartagnan

Review By Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews

First, I want to thank Dartagnan and Greenleaf Book Group Press for providing me with this book so I can bring you this review. 

WOW!! Dartagnan blew me away by putting an everlasting smile on my face with his children's book Spaceman Sam. This entertaining story along with the fun graphics with bold vivid colors will grasp ahold of your child’s attention. D’Artagnan even threw in a very important message within the story. Your child is going to love this book and will give them some creative ideas on their own. 


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Heidi Lynn’s Book Reviews ( Published @ 2014 by Crossroad Reviews