Jul 6, 2018

Review:Broken Reality by Robert Kaufman

A Broken Reality 

First, I want to thank Rob Kaufman and NetGalley for providing me with this book so I may bring you this review.

If you are a parent you are going to want to hold your child a little closer tonight after reading this book. Rob Kaufman’s A Broken Reality is an incredibly chilling, shocking, intense, emotionally painful, heart wrenching novel about a missing boy out in a middle of a winter storm. This book is filled with secrets, stalkers, abductors, vandalism, threats, missing persons, investigations, extremely worried parents, etc.

Rob did an incredible job throwing you into the craziness of the story! This hooked me so fast onto the story! A missing child in the middle of a snow storm and you are trying not to get into an accident yourself. How exciting yet scary is that! Every parent worst nightmare come true!!! For the first part of the book I was on the edge of my seat!!!

One amazing aspect about Rob’s writing is his eye for bringing out the detailed emotions in his characters. I was overwhelmed by that. I could feel exactly what each character was feeling and how much they were suffering. I am not a parent but I could not imagine if that was my child out there in those weather conditions. Not knowing where he is! Not knowing if he is safe, if someone has him, if someone hit him, etc! His mom had not heard from him for weeks and thinking the worst! My heart went out to her! We as readers needed to feel the emotions she was going through. Rob was the king of that!

On the subject of Jesse there was one scene where I wanted to scream at Melissa I was so upset with her!! Of course, Jesse was withdrawn, he lost weight, he was worried about Danny, he was not himself emotionally or mentally. Danny was missing! Jesse was in an accident himself. He couldn’t find Danny. He didn’t know if he was dead or alive. That would all take a toll on someone! Melissa didn’t get that.

Even though I really liked the book I felt some places were kinda choppy and a little disconnect at times regarding Charles story line. He just weirded me out in general.

Melissa was confused about Dylan being Danny and that scene confused me too.

I loved hearing about how Melissa and Jessie met. That was a sweet story.

Rob Kaufman was a new author for me. I am a huge fan of this genre. I would definitely read and review from him again.

Author Rob Kaufman

As a child, Rob was always fascinated by the stories recited by those around him and the words used to tell them. As he got older, his need to tell his own stories grew, as did his ability to share them in exciting and captivating ways.

However, he wanted to share more than just stories. His primary desire was to create characters with whom people could relate, while at the same time bringing them through a journey from which most would crumble.

His degree in Psychology was the first step toward getting beneath the surface of the people in his life. What followed was a lifelong search for what makes people tick – what forces them to become evil when deep down in their heart of hearts, they are yearning for love. Rob’s characters walk this search with him, deep into the human psyche, creating psychological thrillers from every day events.

Rob’s first book “In the Shadow of Stone” continues to receive great praise and is selling well in both electronic and paperback formats. His current book, “One Last Lie” is much darker than his first, with characters who hold bits and pieces of strangers he’s known, friends he’s had and lunatics he’s only read about.

“This book hits home for me,” says Rob. “There were a few pages that made me laugh out loud as I wrote them... and many that made me cry. And the great thing is, I’m finding that many readers of this book are experiencing the same emotions.”

Through social and other media, Rob hopes to get “One Last Lie” into the hands of millions, so that they, too, can experience the ups, downs, twists, turns and final tragedy that has helped make this book a Five-Star contender.


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